Michael Archer has never reached the very top but his 5 man has always been very respected especially his defense...he is a very intellectual player but one who does not let his intellect get in his way by over-thinking. Mike has a great way of analyzing the game and then compartmentalizing the information and acting on the most important elements.
Michael Archer on passing in a series
It really depends on how you put it together. There is no such thing as "too many passes" per se, because, realistically, there are a limited number of them. There are several minor variations, such as tossing speed or hesitations, but it is still the same basic pass. Anyway, as I initially said, putting it all together is the key.
Many semi-pros consider their five bars "the ***", but wonder why they are not as effective as the pros in passing. You have to make your passes blend well. You need to pass in series. Think of how several passes work together, instead of "just let me get this pass through". The latter style of thinking does work, but you will find more pros going with the former.
This is not the easiest thing to describe, but basically, you do not want to pass with a mish mash of different passes, just because you can do them. First of all, your percentages will be lower, as it is damn near impossible to do ALL passes well ALL of the time. You will probably find that on a given night, a certain passing series will be on fire, and others will be horrible, and the inverse of that the next night. I ran through almost an entire Oklahoma state in singles doing nothing but chip passing, which I do on occasion, but never as my main series. Why? My brushing sucked that day, pure and simple.
To sum this post up, know how to do everything on the table, but take a subset of it and make it your best. Fall back to your secondary only if it makes sense in your passing series (and by that I mean in your overall passing plan for that game), or if your main series is not getting the job done. You will see this being repeated by pros all over the place. This will increase your percentages overall, which is of course what it is all about!