Hi Tara,
The only thing I noticed is while you have the ball on the 5 bar, sometimes, you hit it against the wall 3 times, that is the illegal part. It's ok to hit the ball against the wall twice and the third time; you can still go wall, but you must execute a pass, otherwise, it's illegal. I know Todd was playing with time limits because he took time outs to reset the clock. Just a FYI, you are allowed 15 seconds on the 2 and 3 bars and 10 seconds on the 5 bar.
One thing I will say, if I had to pick a forward, it would be you; simply because you understand my game, I don't know how, because most of the time, I don't understand what I'm going to do! I have an unorthodox style of play, Buffalo players call me Jarkus and the decepticon. One thing I will remember, the first game of foosball I won in Burlington was with you. I shoot an open hand shot which is very powerful, but the accuracy isn't that consistent. Even when I hit a shot, the power of that shot is so tremendous that if it goes off a guy, be ready to stop it with another because it just keeps on going, and many times, I score slop for that reason, it is either a very powerful clean goal or the foosball table looks like a pinball machine and my shot just keeps bouncing off men till it either scores, eventually bounces around and goes in or is stopped because it hit so many men. I hate the new rules because a shot of mine frequently flies off the table and goes to the opponent, before, if it was our drop, my forward would get it, but not no more. So usually when it was my opponents drop, I would pass (so the ball stays on the table) and if it was our drop, I would shoot on goal because if it went off, it was just as good as a pass and still our drop.
Now here is a little defensive forward I hope you can understand. Now visualise the 5 bar, in between each man you have a gap of approx 3 inches. Now take your 3 bar, you want to line up a man in that gap of 3 inches of the 5 bar so you form a triangle with both the 3 and 5 bars. Each man of the 3 bar will not fit perfectly in every gap, so you have to keep moving around, this is where you have trust your goalie, and your goalie has to trust you, for example, you may tell the goalie to cover long and I'll cover short, or, if he/she is staying short in goal, you are covering long and partially middle. The other thing, you have to cover the lane pass and wall pass, and that requires you to break off from forming a triangle. Here is another psychological move, never tell anyone your weak spot, they will use that against you.
Remember I told you about never say sorry? Well my partner, Tony and I were going to Kentucky for a tournament, my brother was diagnosed with cancer the day before we left, I did not tell Tony till after the weekend, for the reason, I wanted Tony's mind focused on foosball and not to be concerned about my problems. It paid off because we came in 4th out of something like 40 teams in amateur doubles.
I could mention to you, Todd, Mark and Jeff my weak spot, then you'd use that against me and I wouldn't be as effective in goal as I am. Talk with you soon Tara :-)