
looking for people to play foosball in central vermont

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looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« on: April 23, 2009, 04:55:28 PM »
anybody looking to play foosball once or twice aweek

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 04:57:12 PM »
any  looking to play foosball once or twice aweek in central vermont area

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 07:02:52 PM »
wednesday nights 730ish Southside Tavern Barre for a few hours a few beers and lota trash talking

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2009, 11:06:05 PM »
anybody looking to play foosball once or twice aweek
Check with New Hampshire. They have a lot of Vermont contacts!

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 11:50:43 AM »
I'd play. I'm about 20 miles from Barre, but I could make it up sometime. What type of table do they have up there?

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2009, 02:00:36 PM »

Offline ttheo

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 01:58:44 PM »
this might be a little out of your way but about 6-7 of us play every friday night at jp's in burlington vt.
we get there between 9 and 10. it on main st right near the flynn

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2010, 01:45:28 AM »
Thanks, I had a great time at JP'S  I'll see you next week around 10ish on Friday night.  I work till 10, but might take some annual leave to get there earlier.

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2010, 01:46:45 AM »
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:01:59 AM by mikeislegal2001 »

Offline ttheo

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2010, 01:43:05 PM »
mike, most of the players usually get there between 10-10:30 anyway so you might not want to waste
your vacation. At the very least wait till summer when you can enjoy the weather and the scenery.
 I'm glad you had fun its always nice to see new faces. Its good to play against different people it lets you know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Like I now know I need to work on my shooting since I was scoring about 1 percent against you. Oh well I guess I don't need to worry about my ego getting to big.
see you on fri.  todd

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2010, 07:11:12 PM »
  Hi Todd, ok, I won't burn my vacation time, thanks.  Anyways, about playing against new people, I find that it is sometimes harder to defend against a person who doesn't play the game good; because you never know what they're going to do.  Foosball to me is all a mind game, it's all psychological.  I love playing mind games; when it comes to foosball.  I wrote my friend back in Buffalo telling him that Mark knew him and some other of the guys in Buffalo.  My friend, Mark, wants to know Mark's last name.  I will get it from you next time I see you.  What I have been told by the other players in Buffalo; I move around to much in goal.  I should be able to move less and still be able to cover the net the way I cover it now.  I'm a goalie and I'm still learning forward, but aren't we all still learning?  Tara will be a real good player, then again, what I saw, she needs to get another shot down in forward just in case the goalie is shutting her snake down.  For the amount of time she has been playing, she is good at forward.  Then again, let her concentrate on her snake till she has mastered that.  I'm not going to say anything about Jeff or Mark right now, ok, do you know that Tara and Jeff both would be called as committing illegal violations on the 5 bar?  I just didn't say nothing because I figured they are still learning and correcting them is a good way for them to get discouraged and quit.  I would like to help Tara out with her defense when she plays up, but then again, me being new there, I don't want to show up and tell everyone how to play the game.     

  I have a little advantage as far as reflexes go, I worked for Scott Aviation in which we made air paks, it was compressed air, so my reflexes had to be good.  My best feature is probably grabbing the ball and not letting it out of my zone.  I learned to pass more just to keep my opponent honest and that will open up the shot, and the threat of either will be there.  My biggest problem is that I'm to hard on myself.  One thing I do know, foosball is addicting, and I cant help but not to keep on playing.

  Would you know how I could find the results from Mary Moore's tournaments in Kentucky from a year I went there? 

  My friend from work tells me, I like to play foosball, well he probably likes to spin, and I can't stand to play against spinners.  I have to respect Jeff because he wants to learn the game, and I understand how difficult it is when you are just learning.  For most people, it is not a matter of just going to the table and being able to execute shots.  Take for example, me, I really sucked when I first started, I was jarring the table really bad and I had no shot whatsoever, it was the fact I liked the game and kept with it.  If you remember, I mentioned I've been playing for approximately 25 years, so the first couple of years, I had trouble clearing the ball and you might as well have called me swiss when I was in goal.  I actually like playing goal, I look at it like saving the game and scoring the winning goal, besides, a good goalie is hard to come by these days.  Talk with you soon

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2010, 11:26:54 AM »
hit players and search by last name, Markus, and state NY   

Offline tmcc

Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2010, 05:11:47 PM »
Hey Mike,

I had a lot of fun playing with you on Friday and I look forward to when you play with us again. Thanks for the comments on my playing, seriously. It's not often that we get the chance to play with new people and it's good to get some honest feedback. I'd love to learn a good zone defense to use up front, so next time you come you'll have to teach me:) And I'm planning on learning another shot, but as you said I need to focus on making my snake more consistent first. I'm not sure about the illegal five-bar though, I think I know the passing rules and I try not to pass illegally. Next time make sure you call me out if I make a pass that is illegal!


Re: looking for people to play foosball in central vermont
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2010, 09:54:55 AM »
Hi Tara,

  The only thing I noticed is while you have the ball on the 5 bar, sometimes, you hit it against the wall 3 times, that is the illegal part.  It's ok to hit the ball against the wall twice and the third time; you can still go wall, but you must execute a pass, otherwise, it's illegal.  I know Todd was playing with time limits because he took time outs to reset the clock.  Just a FYI, you are allowed 15 seconds on the 2 and 3 bars and 10 seconds on the 5 bar. 

  One thing I will say, if I had to pick a forward, it would be you; simply because you understand my game, I don't know how, because most of the time, I don't understand what I'm going to do!  I have an unorthodox style of play, Buffalo players call me Jarkus and the decepticon.  One thing I will remember, the first game of foosball I won in Burlington was with you.  I shoot an open hand shot which is very powerful, but the accuracy isn't that consistent.  Even when I hit a shot, the power of that shot is so tremendous that if it goes off a guy, be ready to stop it with another because it just keeps on going, and many times, I score slop for that reason, it is either a very powerful clean goal or the foosball table looks like a pinball machine and my shot just keeps bouncing off men till it either scores, eventually bounces around and goes in or is stopped because it hit so many men.  I hate the new rules because a shot of mine frequently flies off the table and goes to the opponent, before, if it was our drop, my forward would get it, but not no more.  So usually when it was my opponents drop, I would pass (so the ball stays on the table) and if it was our drop, I would shoot on goal because if it went off, it was just as good as a pass and still our drop. 

  Now here is a little defensive forward I hope you can understand.  Now visualise the 5 bar, in between each man you have a gap of approx 3 inches.  Now take your 3 bar, you want to line up a man in that gap of 3 inches of the 5 bar so you form a triangle with both the 3 and 5 bars.  Each man of the 3 bar will not fit perfectly in every gap, so you have to keep moving around, this is where you have trust your goalie, and your goalie has to trust you, for example, you may tell the goalie to cover long and I'll cover short, or, if he/she is staying short in goal, you are covering long and partially middle.  The other thing, you have to cover the lane pass and wall pass, and that requires you to break off from forming a triangle.  Here is another psychological move, never tell anyone your weak spot, they will use that against you. 

  Remember I told you about never say sorry?  Well my partner, Tony and I were going to Kentucky for a tournament, my brother was diagnosed with cancer the day before we left, I did not tell Tony till after the weekend, for the reason, I wanted Tony's mind focused on foosball and not to be concerned about my problems.  It paid off because we came in 4th out of something like 40 teams in amateur doubles.

  I could mention to you, Todd, Mark and Jeff my weak spot, then you'd use that against me and I wouldn't be as effective in goal as I am.  Talk with you soon Tara :-)