Chat Area => General Chat => Topic started by: thebodygroove on August 14, 2008, 11:58:45 AM
Hi folks!
When reading some of the posts here, it occurred to me that some of you are interested in some details of the German Fireball table. My friend and table building wizzard Klaus has now posted a comparison of the Tornado man and the Fireball man on his website, with some very significant photographs. He was kind enough to add an Englisch text to that section for you guys. Check it out:
By the way: Because of some kind of optical illusion, the feet look as if they were of different widths, which they are not.
it's interesting how the on the Fireball table, the men pin with a face instead of an edge. I'm not sure if i like that or not, but it does seem like it would make it easier to catch since you just need to snag the ball with any portion of that relatively large face. I could see how it would make pin shots easier since it'd be more simple to get a more even roll.
interesting comparison. thanks
Should anyone be interested, virtually the same table is available in the US from...
Should anyone be interested, virtually the same table is available in the US from...
No, the men are the same as the ones on the old Fireball, but cabinet and surface are entirely different.
Brad, I think this is the link to the model you meant to post. These tables are made by the same manufacturer that makes the fireball. (
Brad, I think this is the link to the model you meant to post. These tables are made by the same manufacturer that makes the fireball. (
Well, yeah... Mainly pointing out the "manufacturer". If you look closer, there are numerous similarities beyond the figure. BTW, I wonder if those handles would fit my Tornado. For me, they're the best I've used.
Curious... old Fireball? Different than the one I tried in Austria last summer? Sure looks the same.
Looks a lot like warrior table handles and all (kicker)
Thanks for the post, I was very interested in this table. Seems like a solid table.
Brad, I think this is the link to the model you meant to post. These tables are made by the same manufacturer that makes the fireball. (
Yeah, that sure looks like the current Fireball. Interesting...
Thanks for the post, I was very interested in this table. Seems like a solid table.
It is! It's the proof that tables built in China can be of satisfying quality.
Thanks for the post, I was very interested in this table. Seems like a solid table.
It is! It's the proof that tables built in China can be of satisfying quality.
It goes more to the point that you need an experienced person that knows foosball to select the right components. I suspect if you left the design up to the Chinese you'd get back a large bag-full of buyers' remorse.
As someone who once owned a nice DM coin op and played at bars on a high-end Tornado what is the best bang for your buck these days? Tornado, Mirco, Fireball, DM. I'm thinking about buying a table for my shop and can't believe how many choices are out there. I'd say best bang for the buck new or used under say $1,000 USD shipped.
Man you can get a sweet Tornado Icebox coin-op for about twelve hundred from a nearby major tournament used. Kick ass looking and plays awesome! Call charles macintosh at Snake
You can get a newer barely used tornado for just over $1000 or an older model (which still is a great table) for significantly less.
how can contact find fireball manufacturer from china website not working
requirement in INDIA