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General Chat / Buying guide? Amateur here looking
« Last post by mariewhaley on May 14, 2024, 03:53:42 AM »
Hi everyone, just an amateur fan here. Still, I'd like to get a premium table but don't even know where to start. All I know is if I look at one and know if it'd be good or not. Looking for a heavy table where balls don't get stuck in corners. Originally had a budget of like 400$, but I'm seeing that some tables go for far more than that, so I'm willing to balloon my budget if the quality warrants that.

Is there a guide around here? Checked the side bar but unless I'm blind, not seeing it. Looking for near professional quality without breaking the bank.
General Chat / Replace scoring bead assembly Bonzini B90
« Last post by jonnyep on May 06, 2024, 05:32:20 PM »
Anyone know how to remove/replace the scoring bead assembly on a Bonzini B90?
Do I need to remove the bottom parts of the table to get at a nut holding the assembly in place?
Or is it possible to do by loosening the goal/ashtray?
I am looking for a partner for the Hall Of Fame Classic 2024 event in the following categories: open doubles, expert doubles, pro doubles. I prefer to play as a forward but I feel comfortable being a goalie too.
You can reach me at email address.
Szabolcs Safran
I'm interested in the expert doubles position. Hope there are still slots left. I have sent you an email.
General Chat / Re: What happend to Fireball foosball tables?
« Last post by yobifa on May 01, 2024, 10:38:23 PM »
I still see their name mentioned on multiple groups & forums as one of the best brands of foosball tables.

Can anyone provide info about what happened? Are they dead if so why?
Tables like this are prevalent in Australia and Asia. The problem is that it is exceedingly difficult to import the brand into the US and the majority of Europe. There are just no distributors in certain areas. Two of my friends have these, and they make fantastic games. They are lively, entertaining tables. Just really difficult to obtain.
General Chat / Million Dollar Tables
« Last post by on April 26, 2024, 05:10:57 PM »
I would like to get a group in the Orlando area that would like to play on old school tables.  I would like to find a Million Dollar Brown Top or even a Blue Top TS table.  Any ideas?
General Chat / Does anyone know where to by tournament Garlando balls in the US?
« Last post by Fivent on April 24, 2024, 05:25:51 AM »
Does anyone know where to by tournament Garlando balls in the US? Or, if it's not possible, what the closest equivalent is?

Just got a Garlando, and the balls it came with are white nylon eggs.
General Chat / I hope you can help me
« Last post by Coled1945 on April 23, 2024, 04:51:50 AM »
Hello dear friends of this forum
The reason I write to see if they can help me since there is not much information about it.
I am building my own table warrior same measures, and because I have children at home, I chose the parts of the warrior brand the rods, bearing, guards etc.
Does the bearing male warrior model 2017 know what is the ideal size for the hole in the side wall for this bearing male?
I hope you can help me

Alonso Galindo
General Chat / Re: Table For A Jail Environment
« Last post by sjstaffy on April 15, 2024, 08:30:46 PM »
Hi Steve, I have a good suggestion on where you can buy a table, they have good quality products. I also bought a foosball table from them last month and their product was so amazing, they met my expectations for their product, and they had a lot of tables where you could choose whatever fit your style and design you can check their website. This is just a good suggestion based on my experience of buying their product.
General Chat / Table For A Jail Environment
« Last post by Dutch on April 15, 2024, 01:41:13 PM »

I've been tasked with purchasing a foosball table to be used by inmates at the jail where I work.  As you might imagine, these persons are not the most delicate bunch.  Therefore I need something durable (heavy duty rods for example).  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Arnold's $5000 Foosball Championship dash is just two weeks away. The event is in Columbus, Ohio March 1st-3rd at the Columbus Convention Center, 400 North High St. (Eisenman & Trott Rooms) For more information email Tim Litteral (The Captain), Steve Beine, or Dustin Bahas at the email addresses listed at the bottom of the flyer. You can also check Columbus Foosball There will be Jackets, Money Prizes, and Trophies awarded.

Be sure to buy your Arnold General Pass at the Foosball site only. The Arnold Pass is available to foosers at a deep discount. This pass can be very expensive if you buy it anywhere else. The event starts at 9:00 am Friday with free play Open Foosball.
You should expect a high level of competition this year. Now that Cody Byre is in the Columbus region, Kenneth Dale will be here until Arnold arrives. Strive for success in your pursuit of a jacket.
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