
Hi , im new here and new to foosball

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Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« on: October 26, 2007, 01:42:51 AM »
Hello all! like i said , im new. Basically, i played as a kid but have not retained many skills. 2 months ago i was in a thrift shop and came acroos a table that had just been put out that day. Well, i already had a very active game-room, but never a foos-table.Anyhoo , the table was $70 and i could not pass it up.So turns out friends i have known for years had Foos-skills i never knew about. Needless to say, my game-room has exploded into Foos Mania! its just an awesome game for the true gamer. I spent the last hour (finally did it) researching on you-tube and then found this forum. i checked out the vid section and realized ive already seen many of you on you-tube. Some uh you guys are just sick! so im anxious to improve and hope to be part of ya'lls community. BTW the table i got is a Harvard. its real nice , but not like the Tornados n stuff. was $70 a good deal? Honestly now im kinda ready to upgrade, but some guys that dont have skills slam the table or spin out o' control (lame i know i hate it). although maybe the better tables are sturdier. So any advice or tips i can recieve i really appreciate, thanks for havin me!  B

Offline PatRyan

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2007, 10:55:46 AM »
Welcome B

$70 for the table is a good deal.  Even if it is a Harvard  ;)

The better tables are sturdy, how much sturdier depends on the make and model of the table.  So it really depends on what the price range of the upgraded table. But by and large the more expensive tables are MUCH sturdier than the lower end tables, no matter what brand you look at.

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2007, 04:43:40 PM »
Welcome. Any table is good. But a TORNADO is GRRREAT!!!

Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2007, 08:20:07 PM »
thanks guys- just got back from the billiard factory and those tornadoes are the stuff man. im gonna save longer to get a cyclone. man i tried to lean on that thing with my 190 pounds and they really dont give much at all.well this is very embarassing but i was there to get dinamo balls.....yes i was using those piece of crap soccer balls. i know i know but in SA, i only found one place that had them in stock.anyhoo, the dude also said that when i get my shot down with alot of torque i will snap the men right off at their feet. so i guess that'll be my indicator to get that cyclone. well im gonna go practice, be back in a couple hours!

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 10:29:51 AM »
Here's an idea. Buy a coin-op. Or, buy like two of them and find a good spot for tournaments. Get paid to play and promote the game we love! Live the Dream.

Offline Rios

Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 04:23:22 PM »
I would check out Ebay, or go to they have the best deals and are more than likely ALOT cheaper than a billiard store like the Great Escape or whatever. 

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 10:47:29 AM »
Buy a Tornado Coin op. You can thank me later. Play on the Harvard and save your money.

Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2007, 09:57:45 PM »
so with the coin op., do i expect my buddies to pop in quarters? or are the commercial tables just that much better? BTW i have the harvard figured out so im that much more excited to figure out a tornado. also, austin is a college town an hour away. i checked out craigs list in austin and there are tons of tables for sale. i saw 2 or 3 tornados fer cheap. might be sooner than later guys. Jeah!!!

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 11:18:10 AM »
Not necessarily. You can provide all the quarters since you have the key anyway. Besides that a coin op needs to be on location where all players can find it! While you and you're friends are learning to play on the Tornado eventually someone will have a suggestion where it should go. Here's the idea: buy a table, place it on location. Use the money that comes in to buy another table. Play on it at home until you find another location that wants a FREE table and a share of the PROFITS. Then the fun really begins because each location will develop it's own group of players and play styles. Then throw "THE BIG ONE" and they all come.

Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2007, 06:35:21 PM »
so like in  a bar? i dont know if i fully understand. i found a place that has tourneys kinda close. its Fast Eddies on wed. nights. i just want to get about 30% better before i start the tourneys, although i have no way of calibrating my skills vs. theirs. trial by fire probably. so what are other examples of locations besides bars?

Offline grandmaster

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2007, 11:28:54 AM »
Get creative. Anywhere people gather is a good choice. Billiard parlors, college gamerooms, laundramats, malls, anywhere a 5 by 10 foot rectangle of open space is not being used a table will fit. Bars are traditonal spots but not the only ones. Use your network of friends to make suggestions. Garage tourneys are a good place to start, you can usually fit one or two tables. Go to the tourney at Fast Eddies, you will like it. Don't worry about the level of play, only seek out the best and you won't be sorry. Remember in the foosball world, "livin' with the ball is the way to be". You will instantly be 30% better after you attend one tournament. Do it now.

Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2007, 12:57:39 AM »
yeah, thanks G M . i will be up there soon. i guess wednesday. i have a buddy that is better than i am. he doesnt have a table but has skills from when he was younger.(we are both 28) so heck, fer 10 bucks im sure it would be worth it. see if anything i do would work in a tourney. we shall see.....

Offline grandmaster

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Re: Hi , im new here and new to foosball
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2007, 04:47:24 PM »
It's a steal world. Live with the ball.