
Great night playing Foosball......

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Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2007, 05:56:36 PM »
oh baby, i killed it last night. i usually dont like singles, but thats all we could do last night and it was FUN!!!!  i owned this guy into not wanting to play anymore.push was workin and i used it to set up the push-kick.  that ball was comin at him fast last night.

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Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2007, 05:50:03 PM »
Win any tournaments yet?

Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2007, 11:54:08 PM »
i havent yet been to even see a tourney yet. lame i know . ive been so busy and the only time i have to play is late night get-togethers. i might be just a rec player. im so happy to have found this game though. poor pool table never gets any attention anymore. i wish there was a way for me to elevate my game , but im afraid i have settled lately due to semi-inferior competition.

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Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2007, 12:11:15 PM »
I had one of those Monday.  I have really started focusing on my singles game.  I am so tired of DYP's.  Its not that I dislike playing with a newbie, it is more that I miss playing with a familar partner.

Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2007, 03:03:46 PM »
I had a good night playing at a new friend's house last night. We usually get together at our school's student union to play on a coin-op. All of us have Tornados at our homes, so we all practice and play pretty well (and even). We got together outside of school for the first time and kicked back some beers and played. It was the same 4 of us playing doubles for like 3 hours straight.

Unfortunately, the table they had was a Cyclone II, and I don't know if this one was in poor shape or what, but I was not impressed. I have an older (pre-Valley) table that's in great shape, and plays very close to a coin-op. Their table was on a thick, carpet floor and wobbled a lot. They both shot snakes, so they didn't have much trouble with the moving ball, but I shoot a pull, and had a hell of a time setting up because the ball wouldn't stand still. And they used some weird ball. It wasn't a Tornado ball, it was completely smooth and more red than pink, but was the same size, and about the same weight. Needless to say, next time we're playing at my place, on my table. I'm now very impressed by my table.

Just thought I'd share...

Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2007, 11:59:40 PM »
Well, i havent posted in a week er so , but we have been throwin down late night games just about every other night. Its been fun, only thing is it seems as though the more beer i have after # 8 , the lower my winning % goes. Hmm, funny how that works. i go to work the next day and here about the scrubs that beat me. Lil' tricksters take advantage of me when im drunk. Anyhoo , its always gettin better as we all advance. We've been goin strong fer months so i give it a year er so and i'll be ready fer a tourny

Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2007, 09:33:41 PM »
my buddy across the way got a premier foosball table for christmas. only this is, for the last couple days hes had to play with the cheesy black/white soccer ball. ( the same thing he had to endure for 2 weeks when i first got my table). anyhoo, they been playin over there every night and he knew i had 3 tourney balls, so i told him last night to come over and he had to play me till he won( for a ball). well he was "in a hurry" so i smoked him one and he "took the second" and went on his way to the bar. I wanna go play on his table tonight but am not that excited cause he has hollow rods. sorry if it opens a can of worms , but im just not a fan of playin on hollow rods. it feels like the table was made for ages " 3 to 12". this guy is a regular at my GTG's and im glad he got a table cause he lives about 2 min away. more games to come!

Offline grandmaster

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Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2008, 06:37:35 PM »
I play on the only solid rod Tornado in existance daily. You are on the right track, don't worry, play on them all, but train on SOLID RODS.
Seek out the top competition always, the harder the better.
Any table, any time, that's my motto, and remember one of these days I'll see you... across the table!

Re: Great night playing Foosball......
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2008, 11:08:37 PM »
then one of these days i shall be very frustrated, across the table