
Handle Grip on the 5 Bar

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Offline snake eyes

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Handle Grip on the 5 Bar
« on: June 26, 2008, 03:03:36 PM »
Ever notice how far back on the handle Tony Spredeman holds his 5 Bar? Most of the PM's i see holding it right up by the rod as close to the first knob...I am wondering if this is an advantage on stick passes such as spree's. I tried it and seem to have alot more speed through the hole. I hear he does this because when his was young he had to stand on a chair to play and also the reason he uses the far wall passing series..vs. near wall.  I could be completely and utterly wrong on this so if i am correct me!! >:(

Offline Welch

Re: Handle Grip on the 5 Bar
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2008, 12:11:19 PM »
im the exact opposite, i used to slide way out on the handle, until i was told otherwise by chris valentine that i was "DOING IT WRONG" lol. well at first being "up" on the handle was weird and uncomfortable but i could definitely feel the control difference and to me it felt like it goes faster through the hole, but different styles of games ya know... i think its really just how you feel comfortable.

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Handle Grip on the 5 Bar
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 02:06:15 PM »
Spree's fast tic tac action on his 5 Bar is a one of a kind...I have tried and tried to mimmick his every move and it's way harder than it looks!! I also like the far wall stick, it's probly my best of my passing series. I buy every DVD i can find with him on it..Have any of you guys seen him at Kentucky State?? Holy Cr**. Incredible.


Re: Handle Grip on the 5 Bar
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 06:53:11 PM »
I doubt Spree tried to play like someone else, he imagined, invented, concocted and yes borrowed everything he does that makes his style unique to him. I love what he does but I'm not going to go through life trying to be an inferior "Spree". I'll borrow what works and borrow from others what works and put it together in a way that makes sense to me, what works for me. Isn't that the beauty of this game? Keep on learning and expressing it in our play. Personally I'd like to play a hybrid game between Spree and Freddy;)

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Handle Grip on the 5 Bar
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2008, 08:58:43 AM »
Good Mix....Spree and Freddy.. I might to a triple and go Tommy, Spree and Freddy!!