Yeah, I registered on quite a while ago, but was never put in the system as a registered user. Not quite sure what happened. I may actually have a vehicle by then. Just have to go buy one.... so I've been putting that off. I've got another month to figure all that stuff out.
I was wondering myself what happened to Phil Kennedy's I accidentally tapped my touchpad over a week ago in the Profile section. My password fields had some entry in them. I did the usual drill, e-mailed Phil on his Yahoo acct, but heard nothing until yesterday after 5pm. He said his registration database had been hacked and he was still repairing it. He couldn't even use the original e-mail I had on file that I've been using for years. But it seems he's almost done (hopefully). You can only usually reach Phil via his yahoo acct, and the subject field must contain FOOSBALL and REGISTRATIONS, or it'll never be seen in his always jampacked SPAM folders. Phil has a pretty unique board, a part of foosball history, both Texan and National. So send him an e-mail to check on what happened to your reg, unless you've already been trying, like I was for over a week. See you there soon, too!