you have brought the Push shot up before and there have been several threads on the subject since I have been on the board...there is more to be said i am sure but below are a couple of the threads which I think cover a good deal of the discussion
Just below is a comment I made regarding "Why not a push?"
it is really not a bad shot...certainly not "puss" shot...I think it has the fastest start of all shots and is the most natural especially new players...the only real problem is squaring it off real long as consistently as a pull...if someone could figure out how to overcome the physical limitation and do 17-18 out of 20 1 finger longs all day long (assuming they develop the rest of the shot like all mature shots should be) then you could have a consistently threatening shot
as it is, it is a streaky shot because sometimes that long is on and in competition defenders rarely see it...but, for it to stay true for an entire tournament has proved ellusive
it is a great shot from goalie, especially if you have a decent push kick to go with it...look at what Terry Moore and Billy Pappas can do with a push from back especially in singlesThere is an exception to almost everything in foosball but there are general principles or "rules" that can be observed. One of them is that Push shots don't win majors...maybe once or twice in the entire history of American foosball...some have won at lower levels but that doesn't count because their is so much unpredictability and randomness in lower level play...but in the Pro Master ranks, I don't know of a push ever winning a major, EVER
now, this could be just because the push has a bad rap and a very small percentage of people shoot it and so the odds are against it and to some degree I think this is true. However, in the end, the real reason is that it is very very hard to consistently square off the long. People can talk about the pros and cons verses a pull or rollover but in the end, this is the issue with the push.
as I have said before, if someone can figure a way to square off a long push so that they can shoot 1/2 to 1 finger 18 out of 20 times every time with and without pressure then a person will have as good a shot (assuming the rest of it has developed too) as any in the world.
so far, no one who has made it to the elite level proving they can do this game in and game out all day every, because 90% or higher of the players can't do the 18/20 one finger squared off long, they do something else
does this mean you shouldn't shoot it? Absolutely means, you aren't likely to get to the elite pro-master level winning a major with a push but, no offense, you aren't likely to get there shooting anything...I don't know you so this is no slight, I am just taking age, time, money into the picture and it would be a miracle if you made it into the top 30 let alone win a major (I am in the same boat lets be real)
BUT, you can be effective, win locals and regionals and give people fits and have a game to be proud of and if you want to shoot a push, it fits you, and it makes you feel confident and original, then you should shoot the darn thing and forget all the talk...Damn the torpedos and move ahead
Push verses Rollover