Louis is the most active I think but Murry isn't far behind, neither of them "tour" per se but they both make the 2 majors usually and Murry is always at Texas State
from what I can tell, of those I hear or read about, Thor, Becker, Ken, Tony are occassional regional stuff, Tom Spear hasn't been active and is unseen outside of being spotted locally once in a while and I hear he has pretty serious issues
Swan was still around in early 2000's but I haven't heard of him in a couple years
don't know about Bill and Cody
this is all second hand from reading and posting for 3 years and from looking at tournament results along the way...there are maybe a couple others on this board who can better confirm detail but I can tell you for sure none of them our "touring" so to speak which today to me means the two majors and some or all of the big regionals EXCEPT Lou...now he says he has retired but he isn't really off the scene like the others
Lou is playing at Worlds this month with Fernando De-Rosa and they are a formidable team...Lou was in the dbls worlds finals 3 times since 2000 (2000 and 2001 losing both with Trevor Park but two of the best finals ever) and winning with Tom Yore in 2005