Hey, what's up foos diva queen Melly Mel. Your Highness, it's been awhile.
That's what happens when you are banned from the other board, the memory of you fades into oblivion and then you are presumed dead, lol. Ed posted it for me, nobody commented on it so it moved to the 2nd and 3rd pages pretty quickly.
It sucks there is no Italy this year. Saint Vincent is truly a beautiful place but Farid was right. Among other things, the event was starting to outgrow the venue. If I remember correctly, the player count doubled from the previous year. But I know you are going to Nantes right?? RIGHT? .............R I G H T

?. You earned the right. Forgive me your Highness for what I am about to say but you better get your ass in gear to go, YOU CAN'T MISS THIS ONE.
You are going to Vegas right? I'll see you there my Queen.
Your lowly servant, ICEMAN.
P.S. How did you like my new wide angle lens, cool huh?