
TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2008, 04:37:42 PM »
While recalls are a problem, there's a bigger flaw. There's no way that a stack of recalls can cause someone to not play a match for 8-10 hours.
The tournaments aren't run all that well. They just need to run events to completion. Also players introduce a lot of delay as well. Showing up 10 minutes
after your match is called is very typical. Taking at least 5 minutes after your match to talk to your opponent. The other problem I see
with open events is that Pro masters take way way too long to get a match started,
which is another reason why the finals in Open were played at 2am. I would hear the matches called between pro master vs pro master, and they were
even given a 5 min pre-call. It would normally take 20 minutes for both teams to just show up. Another 10-15 mins to warms up. And another 10-15 to
wait to find a ref. Then the match is 3/5 and so it takes over an hour to get a match played.

Unfortunately, those are the dynamics of foosball tournaments when no technology is used to aid in running the tournament.


Offline bbtuna

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2008, 08:54:08 PM »
problem with how long it takes people to respond, start, finish, and sign a match card is one of policing and enforcement

with the correct math, it could be programmed into the right tournament software to start a clock automatically at first call then run through 3 calls, then x min to start, then x for match, and x to sign match card which would turn off the clock on that match...

if the match is not signed in that time, both teams forfeit...ouch, no one will like that

Offline MR.STEVE

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2008, 10:57:59 AM »
Theres to much going on at the same time I had to wait hrs between matches so someone could play in 4 other events move these events to a differnt part of the room and only allow 2 events at a time ..

Offline foozkillah

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2008, 04:32:15 PM »
I'm not really bothered that much by a superregional or states event running too many events, because the promoter/organizers have to defray their risks in time and money and will try to get the most players to show.  And kissing promasters' asses is one way to get them and those players' admirers to show.

However, allowing pros and proM's not even in the top 20 take so much time for their matches in a World event or a Major is totally inexcusable.

This is part of the reason that Mary's IFP tournaments have gained so much popularity.  They make a conscious effort to run the events on time, despite having so many events, and they have adopted technology to help them.  I really think that Valley has been abusing lower ranked players for so long, because they really only care about the "perfessionul elite", that they have no reason to change, despite Warrior and despite players' complaints.

Until Brunswick starts reading into the history between several players' associations and Valley's purposeful decadelong(?) dismissal of them, while reacting in a year or less to the ITSF's French proposals, nothing is really going to happen.  Warrior-IFP, and Bonzini before that, have seen how good the market can be and how good promotions that treat the non professional (ie, BUYERS of TABLES) players decently, as any good customers should be treated, can grow the market.  Until the old guard at Valley gets their golden parachutes and retire or get canned, which is naturally the only thing they now obviously care about now, nothing that isn't ITSF based or encouraged will come out of their side.

Mary, or Brendan, or both, can run a Las Vegas Warrior Worlds with more money and the support of the majority of US foosball players.   They can even compete to "break" the HOFC by having their own in a central location like Chicago or St Louis.   They may succeed or not, but it would sure light some kind of fire under Brunswick.   What's really interesting is that Warrior, despite its weaknesses, is closer to an ITSF style table from the getgo than Tornado ever was.  Warrior should be homologated as an ITSF table by 09, removing another feather in Tornado-Valley's caps.  Then the real MMA fight begins.

Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2008, 01:32:40 AM »
What if you had those restuarant lightup things.  You pay 40 at the biggining of the tourney all refundable.  They have a good range and you have 20 minutes to get there or you forfiet?

Offline foozkillah

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2008, 04:53:50 PM »
  What if you had those restuarant lightup things.  You pay 40 at the biggining of the tourney all refundable.  They have a good range and you have 20 minutes to get there or you forfiet? 

I have a better idea, how about a taser with a neck-choker strap?  You have 50,000 volt zaps that arc at 1200v at 3, 6, and 9 minutes.  After 20 minutes, you won't get anywhere, period.  No more primadonnas who think they're God's gift to the event coming late because they had too many drinks and drugs the night before and had to scrounge around for their amphetamine or caffeine pickups.

Will we also ever get to a point where anyone getting into the money more than $ 2000 has to take an immediate piss test for amphetamines and other foos-alertness enhancing substances after they sign their match card?  Any moron refusing to take the test for 20 dead presidents or more deserves to forfeit.

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2008, 10:43:20 PM »
Will we also ever get to a point where anyone getting into the money more than $ 2000 has to take an immediate piss test for amphetamines and other foos-alertness enhancing substances...?

Since I don't start humming along until I'm on my second pitcher of Bud Light, or 4th bacardi/coke, am I exempt from this since they are depressants, not stimulants?

Offline foozkillah

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2008, 11:42:31 PM »
Since I don't start humming along until I'm on my second pitcher of Bud Light, or 4th bacardi/coke, am I exempt from this since they are depressants, not stimulants?

Yes, I don't believe as many barbiturates & other depressant substances are on the list, except those that are used to quiet nerves.  You would have to look at the International Testing standards (Olympic and others) that the ITSF and that includes the US, have agreed to voluntarily follow, at least as guidelines.

That's probably another reason foosball has had a black eye for possible sponsors after the 80s: the scandals involving recreational drugs and tax evasion.  Probably another reason foosball companies have also kept a low profile, at least until whatever percent of their company sponsored "in-house" proMasters have either thoroughly detoxed or retired.

One should not be surprised one day to get taken aside after winning any Open Event in a National or World championships venue, for a piss test or the newer test they are developing.   And a friendly Treasury rep at the awards table where one would check out money won.

Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2008, 02:34:21 AM »
I wouldn't mind seeing piss tests for major events, it makes sense if you view foosball as a sport, which I feel like major events do. I do however know that I would fail a piss test if it were to happen today. (good thing I'm bad at foosball?)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 02:44:14 AM by Syronis »

Offline foozkillah

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Re: TORNADO WORLDS 2008 – something has to be done
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2008, 01:47:50 AM »
Since I don't start humming along until I'm on my second pitcher of Bud Light, or 4th bacardi/coke, am I exempt from this since they are depressants, not stimulants?   

So that's why I've never seen you anywhere near the water jugs or dispensers on tour!  It's all clear now   :P  !!
Strict no-water diet, but like the ever-resourceful koalas down under, you find a way .....  ;D