I had the opportunity this past week to hit Fairbanks and check out the foosball. I discovered tables at:
Red Fox (Toronado)
Marlin (Toronado)
Woods Center (on campus, Dynamo)
RJ's (Dynamo)
Club Manchu (Toronado)
and there was another place and I just can't recall the name of it now. It had one of the better Toronados. I would also recommend Club Manchu. There seemed to be willing players at RJ's as well. Red Fox's table needs maintenance. Marlin's could use a light. The Woods Center had only 1 ball and it was plastic and creased, so near impossible to play.
It seemed to me that there were people who would play weekly tournaments in Fairbanks if someone would step up to the plate to run them. Any takers out there in Fairbanks? Some of the entry fee money could be kept by the one running the tournament for added incentive to run them.
All in all, I really enjoyed myself playing foosball in Fairbanks. I think the best player I ran across was Kristin. (Hope I'm spelling that right.) She knew how to pass and she knew how to shoot, and she had a wonderful attitude.
Thanks, Fairbanks!