
Left brain-right brain

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Re: Left brain-right brain
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2008, 08:09:42 PM »
The real question is what half of your brain takes over when you play the game you know you can play. Are you deliberate or are you playing off the cuff? There is both worlds and one fits some and the other fits the other. I think it is a good thing to understand which you are so you can approach the game from that standpoint. That time when you are in the groove, where does it come from?

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Left brain-right brain
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2008, 07:05:53 AM »
Left brain right brain inner game of tennis,Just pass the damm hot wing and play the game like a freak...

Just one hot wing? You know you can't just have ONE!!!!  Best way is to have them crispy, naked, with the "nuclear armageddon" sauce on the side, with a free side of Pepto!  The "Shock & Awe" hot sauce that makes any beers in the room somehow evaporate soooo much faster!!! :D

And when all the wings are gone, you suck down that hot sauce paper boat to make both your leftbrain and rightbrain melt & merge into one giant braincell, until the explosion, of course...  :o  When you come to, you wake up in a Denny's parking lot, 100 miles away, half naked on the hood of someone's Lexus, with the nice police officer prodding you awake with his stick, asking you where your shoes and your left sock went .... and why your tongue is wrapped around both windshield wipers ...