
Unsung heros

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Unsung heros
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:21:49 PM »
We all know them, unselfish workers who love the game. TD's, tourament directors, unpaid people who get all kinds of criticism for just trying to help the rest of us get a chance to play the game we love.THESE are the people who keep our game alive and yet so many times the get dissed by malcontents. I would like to ask everyone who reads this board to think a little about what these wonderful people do for us and then thank them. That is all I have to say about it as it is a simple truth, they are the back bone of American foosball, thank them at least once,,,

Re: Unsung heros
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 12:40:19 PM »
One in particular I'd like to thank, is Steve Murry and Dave Radack. It has been a long time, but last year I got things worked out to go to Texas State. It was one of the most well run and enjoyable tournaments I have been to in my foos carrier. Steve makes it a great experience with a lot of little things, and adds to payouts when there are more players than anticipated.

Hope you make it down Johnny, If you need a good goalie I'll dump my goalie and play nets for you anytime. I have a good Semi partner lined up to play in Open with but he would understand. Either way I'm looking forward to playing some foos with or against you OLD GUY!  :D

Wow! a whole year older than me!  ;D  But I still got the guns!  8)

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Re: Unsung heros
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 12:17:17 PM »
Remember to thank your opponent. Without him/her you have no GAME! Oly