
Advice requested on a used foosball table

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Advice requested on a used foosball table
« on: May 23, 2010, 10:13:57 AM »
Hello everyone,

I can't afford a Tornado and have been searching for a reasonably priced beginner table for the family (< $300).  On Craigslist I found what seems to be a decent deal on a Premier table for $200.  I've tried to find info on the net for the Premier name brand and have found very little.

Are these tables decent quality?  Is this a good deal?  Any advice is appreciated.   :)

The Craigslist ad says:

"Very nice premier foosball game table. Originally 860.00 Only 12 months old. Nice Marble finish...Must go "

with the following pictures:

Re: Advice requested on a used foosball table
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 11:05:36 AM »

figures seem to be of the first figure generation from the beginning of the 70s, but it's hard to see on your pictures. Could you post a foto showing the figures more detailed?


Offline bbtuna

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  • TS, Dynamo, Tornado, Warrior, & Fireball
Re: Advice requested on a used foosball table
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 01:38:25 PM »
read the thread a few down

there may be some other tables built good enough to own but I haven't played on one and I don't mean this in some elitist sense like we are way above that sort of attitude

however, i have played on quite a few off brand tables and they are junk
--although someone who has never played foos before might not know what they are missing, these kind of tables rarely if ever encourage people to continue to play...they don't know it but the play experience is so bad it ends up a turn off

even if someone wanted to improve it is very hard on tables like this with Tornado, you at least can get good if you want...we have two different off brand tables in my churches youth group and a lower model Tornado and when they first got them, the kids were on them playing all the time, now less than a year later, the tables are almost never touched

better to save your money and buy right the first will see after reading my thread that you can get into a used Tornado coin-op for $350 to $550...i help people find tables and within the last few months we have gotten 5 coin ops between $450 and $550 and another half dozen sold under $600 on eBay

so, its about taking your time and buying smart to begin with insted of throwing your money away on junk that will not satisfy your family and you
