
DYP with Odd Number

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Offline Joel

DYP with Odd Number
« on: May 26, 2010, 04:49:38 PM »
I'm sure everyone has been in a situation where there are an odd number of people that want to play in a DYP event. What are some solutions to this problem?

A few options I've thought of:
1. The last person to sign up is the odd man out (CON: ideally we want everyone to be able to play)
2. The first person drawn is put on two teams (CON: scheduling issues in the tournament if both teams end up playing each other)
3. Some sort of play-in system (maybe draw 2 people randomly and make them play a singles match)
4. Someone plays by themselves (possibly the highest rated player)



Re: DYP with Odd Number
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 05:20:37 PM »
we draw up all the teams on the bracket and put the odd man on a bye( it will take a little while to fill the position from the first team going out in 2 .in which you flip a coin to see who gets back in and plays with the "odd" person

now since it has a bye ,it shouldnt hold up that part of the bracket too long

anyways it seems like the easiest option

Re: DYP with Odd Number
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 05:21:29 PM »
i think you have to have minimum of 5 teams on an 8team chart for the "oddman" logic to work