Practice is important, but what I have found to be more important is to chang the way you shoot shots to make it as easy as possible. For example: I shoot a pull for my primary shot.The way I gripped the handle was a full grip with my palm resting at about the 1 or 2 o'clock position. When I executed the shot, I used my wrist, arm, and shoulder. This gave me a lot of control and a lot of power. This was fine for DYP's, but the first big tournament I played in, Friday night DYP, Sat. Semi-Pro Singles and Doubles, and Open Singles and Doubles. By the end of the night Sat. I had nothing left. I had to resort to bank shots to win my last match. Then Sunday I was still without a shot. All that said to say this;
I now shoot my pull shot with a grip using my fingers, no palm. It has taken a lot of practice, but it has successfully alieviated the physical problem. My arm no longer hurts after playing all day. I'm 47 and played for 20 years, quit for 10 and have just been playing again for the last
1 1/2 years. The other thing you must do is up your mental game.
Hope these tips help you be successful.