This can vary from team to team. Whether I am in goal or in the forward position, if the ball is in the defensive zone - no matter who has control - the offensive 3-bar is down and against the far-wall because the passing-shooting series used by our team expects it to be there.
If you are playing with some random goalie and/or have no set series (i.e. the ball is just gonna come flying out from anywhere, at any time) you'll probably want a reply from someone else about 'how-to install a ball-magnetic in your 3-bar'.
If you and a partner are developing a stategy - I submit that it's easier to retain control of the ball if you can anticipate it's likely, or possible, path.
There many variations - often depending upon where the goalie sets the ball before executing (i.e. against the far-wall, on one of the lines, against the near-wall, etc) - and where the goalie want you to be at a given time.
I would be great for others to expand on this topic and begin discussing zones and zone-breakers.