Thanks Papafoos! You've really given me something to think about, and opened my eyes pretty wide! Im newer to the foosball world.........mainly because my brother got rid of the old "TS brown top" I believe thats what its called...........Before I was a teenager, and I was playing on that table pretty much my whole life. My uncles teaching me moves from their days, and just practicing non stop.............even blowing my homework off alot for it. Once the table was gone, felt like me too! So I couldnt play on the regular, and I just lost about all interest in it. Its a shame because its a great game and I felt like I would of been really good had I kept at it. But here I am getting back into it, and ran across an old table. Sorry for the life story but just wanted to show you were Im at in foosball. Never knew foosball was this big nowadays, and how different the tables are, and how they've progressed over the years. I should of done more research on what kind of table I should be playing on to get serious with, 1970 Patterson probably isnt the best bet lol more show then go............from what im assuming.
Papa, you did say you started on a table like this, and it helped you transition pretty well when moving to tournament style tables.
Do you think I should stay on this table and better my skills "Money is kinda tight right now" or look at getting newer tournament style table? I really like the "Fireball table, from what ive read" but that will halft to wait a little bit. I guess my main question is, and you kinda already answered it for me earlier..............But will it be a complete shock for me when I play on a newer tornado or something similar, after playing the majority of my game on my old Patterson? Or will it actually help my transition? Any suggestions from fellow foosers would help out!