@DeMarco, it's a MARVELLOUS vid. I love it so much!! I watched tons of vids on youtube with bad quality and without slowmos. It's much easier to "work" with such a fine vid! Thank you for sharing.
Guys, let's get back to basics.
When setting the ball on the edge of the goal one should set the man slightly on the outer side of the ball. This is the German way. This is what Dieter Thiele is doing on the pull side... but it's the same setup for the push side. Also, if you notice on the slowmo Collegnon is curving the ball on the long push. Not as much as I would
but still he curves the ball which helps him to square the ball more easily.
Now, on the tail. It's a standard setup and the attacker can go long, middle, straight (not seen in this match) or diagonal (I love how he shoots it). It's not a tail in this case. There are some German players who even in these days setup the ball everytime for a long pull - no walks, no rocks - just timing and precision on all the options.
It's a different story if the ball is set in the middle of the goal and to start the push shot you need to setup the man on the close side of the ball -- that's definitely a BIG tell. For 2 balls distance it should not matter where is the man is located on top of the ball to have effective shot. Otherwise you have a dead solid tell.