
Deceased foosball players list

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Deceased foosball players list
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:03:44 AM »
Awhile back I found a list of deceased foosball players somewhere online and I can't  find it again, I Google it and only get a list of deceased football players. I just learned that my good friend and longtime doubles partner has passed away and I want to put his name on the list. His name was Steve Luis, he was a good ol' boy. He played in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 70's & 80's and was the first player I ever saw shoot a rollover. That was in 1976, hit hit one from the 2man rod to put me out of a tournament at the Alpen Glow, a bar in the East Bay area. If anyone can give me a link to that site with the list of deceased players I would appreciate it. I saw too many names on that list of people I knew, now there will be another one.

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 02:32:58 PM »
If you go to Fire Ball web site & click on Bart O'Hearn report you'll get some info.  I'll try to copy/paste the link.

Hope this helps
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 02:48:53 PM by jkhFoos »

Offline papafoos

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Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 03:25:53 PM »
Contact Joe Koonce aka BartOFoos on the other board.  He'll add the name to the plaque that honors all the deceased players and probably has a list also.

And while you're listening...Wanna go to DFW to meet some of the players there?  They are mostly dyp or No2pro dyp.  I could meet you there or somewhere on I-35 from Ardmore on south.  Be warned though, they sometimes last until 2 am.  The drive down there is not bad, but the return trip can be rough on old people. :(

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 06:13:57 AM »
jkhFoos, I tried your link but couldn't find the list or how to get there.

papafoos, I don't really know what "the other board" is, but if you could give me more info I would like to go there and contact Joe Koonce. Also, DFW sounds like fun and I'm interested, but it is quite a drive and I'll have to figure out how to work it into my work/school schedule. I've been procrastinating on getting involved in the local tournament scene in OKC, that's something I need to do. I'll email you as soon as I figure out what I ought to do.

Thank you both for responding to my request.

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 08:52:41 AM »
Facebook > "Fallen foosers" i think

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 02:30:39 PM »
Awhile back I found a list of deceased foosball players somewhere online and I can't  find it again, I Google it and only get a list of deceased football players. I just learned that my good friend and longtime doubles partner has passed away and I want to put his name on the list. His name was Steve Luis, he was a good ol' boy. He played in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 70's & 80's and was the first player I ever saw shoot a rollover. That was in 1976, hit hit one from the 2man rod to put me out of a tournament at the Alpen Glow, a bar in the East Bay area. If anyone can give me a link to that site with the list of deceased players I would appreciate it. I saw too many names on that list of people I knew, now there will be another one.

Hi Buckshot, Joe here, deadbarfoos sent me the link to this thread...thanks Ben.

Sorry to hear about your friend Steve, my thoughts and condolences are with you and his family. I've added Steve's name to our list and ordered a name plate for our Memorial Trophy.

Here's the link to the thread with the list that you probably saw awhile back:
That list is 3 years old and out of date.

Here's the updated list:

Celebrating the Lives of Our Beloved Fallen Foos Family

Alexander, Kenneth
Alva, Angie
Bailey, Brenda
Barton, Dan
Bird, Gary Don
Blattspieler, Steve
Bowers, Scotty
Brillheart, Mark
Bullard, Vadrian
Bustillos, Tandy, Jr.
Butterworth, James
Cabibi, Anthony "Doc"
Cain, James
Campbell, Chistopher V.
Cambell, Cory
Chen, Greg
Congleton, Reggie
Cooper, Charlie
Coose, Billy
Counter, Mike
Cronin, Sean
Culpepper, Mickey
Culver, Chad
Cunningham, Kidd
Davenport, Mike
Demerse, Fred "Butch"
Dickenson, Mike
Dien, Irfaan
DiFulvio, James “Jimmy”
Difray, Keo
Dumas, Scott
Ebrahim, Ridwaan
Elfritz, Amber
Fisher, Danny "Fish"
Fleming, Andy
Ford, Charles "Chuck"
Fritts, Ray
Gabriel, Joe
Gamso, Tony
Garcia, Danny
Goldstone, Melanie
Greenwood, Laura
Groth, Stacy
Harrington, Brian
Harvey, Jeff
Hatton, Brian
Hauben, Wilfired
Hayes, Bob
Horner, Lori
Imarhane, Mustapha
Iqbal, Tanvir "Tanny"
Jackson, Gil
James, Johnny
Kirschstein, Dennis
Kolhass, Nicole Lynn Bert
Kondas, Tom
Lamp, Frank
Laneri, Jim
Langley, Bruce
Lawson, John Wayne “Frog”
Leflore, Lynn
Lewis, Ricky
Lonus, Tom
Luis, Steve
Macrander, Robert
Marmolejo, Louie
Marzo, Pete
May, Sylvester "Butch"
McClure, Ken “Ishmo”
McDonald, Chris
McGee, "Big" Mike
McManus, Tracy
Meigs, Dick
Mendenhall, Mark
Mendoza, Chaunte
Miller, Jake
Montgomery, Carr
Mullins, Travis
Munoz, Javier
Munro, Rob
Munroe, Kevin
Myers, Ron
Neil, Walter “Joe”
Nelson, Ron
Nichols, Stephen “Mike”
Norman, Dave
O'Hearn, Patrick "Bart"
O'Neil, Rex
Owens, David
Peirce, Keith
Perez, Lawerence "Pablo"
Perlich, John
Piscopo, Jeff
Price, Reggie
Pruitt, Casey
Reicheg, Adam
Reilly, Kevin
Reynolds, BJ
Rice, Greg
Robinson, Rick
Rupp, Ray
Sherrod, Michael
Spencer, Mike
Smith, Austin
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Paul
Snider, Joseph H.
Soto, Alexander
Stacey, Rick
Stevens, Gary
Stevens, George, III
Sullivan, Clay
Tallman, Steve
Taylor, Bruce
Thompson, Bobby
Thompson, Kevin
Thyer, Suzette Renea
Timmel, Kurt "KT Flame"
Torres, Mark
Townsend, Mark
Tracy, Kenneth
Valentine, Lisa
Vance, Roger
Walker, Kevin
Walraven, Terrie
Walters, Sam
Ward, Rick
Wellenberger, Stacia
White, Lynn
Wilson, Bill
Wiswell, Jim
Wolf, Mark
Word, Marshall

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 02:35:43 PM »
Facebook > "Fallen foosers" i think

Ben, "Fallen foosers" on Facebook is not my page, I don't know who that is, I sent them a PM about a month ago to find out who it is and they never replied back. It appears to be someone from Iowa honoring the fallen foosers from their area.

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2012, 11:08:46 AM »
Thank you Joe for your condolences, the web link and putting my old friends name on the list. Steve was someone who everyone who met him liked. He had a lot of health problems the last few years and now he has peace. He will be missed.

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2012, 11:27:46 AM »
I feel compelled to make a few more comments about some of the people on this list who I knew or met.

I only met Jim Wiswell once. I was at a big tournament in the late 70's and I had a match called at a particular table. I went to the table to play my match and the Living Legend Jim Wiswell was practicing at that table. He was as nice as could be and was going to just leave me the balls to practice with. I asked him to shoot some shots against me so I could practice against him. He hit nothing but dinks, then when my opponent walked up he hit the longests, fastest pull I ever saw.

I knew Bobby Thompson well and  liked him a lot. He was a teenage foosball prodigy and a world class player who shot a push-kick. He always had a good attitude and encouraged me. He died in an auto accident when he was very young.

Roger Vance was a unique individual, one of a kind. He was the best rocketball style player I ever saw and a helluva goalie. .

Reggie Price was a very good friend from the SF Bay Area. He was good natured and fun to be around. He had the best defense against a pull kick I ever saw, I mean he could absolutely shut down any pull-kick shooter he faced.

That's it, my tribute to fallen foosers I have known.

Re: Deceased foosball players list
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2013, 07:50:30 PM »
I am not a current foosball player however I am married to Gina Piscopo and she is the sister of Jeff Piscopo.  I found his world champion  ship table and was wondering where would be a good place to get it rebuilt.  Please help it would mean a lot to her.