
2014 NC Open Foosball Championships

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2014 NC Open Foosball Championships
« on: March 30, 2014, 06:25:48 AM »
I'm looking forward to coming home for a few days and putting on this great event to benefit the Brigade Boys and Girls Club. We wil kick things off with the golf tournament at Castlebay Country Club on Thursday. There are a few events being planned by the SCFPA and the Powerkick Team throughout the year. There will be more information at this event about the dates and formats. I will start immediately building sponsorship support the the 40th Annual NC State Foosball Championships being held October 3-5, 2014 at BreakTime Billiards. We expect a pretty large turnout for this historic event. Player engagement to make this event a success is greatly needed. We need to reach out to all former Champions of this event to attend. Looking forward to seeing the Bonzini USA players in just a few days.