
Getting chemistry in DOUBLES Play

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Getting chemistry in DOUBLES Play
« on: August 06, 2018, 09:08:14 PM »
Been a long time since I've been on the forum.  Haven't really spent much time playing in 6-7 yrs.  But I'm back!  And so are my questions....

There are questions, then sub-questions.  This could get ugly.

When you hook up with someone for doubles, what are the things you talk about to develop chemistry and know how to play together for defense and offense?


Unfortunately, when I play D in doubles, I don't communicate too much with my partner.  If I'm the forward, I'm looking to blocking every ball.  I try to establish what shots the opposing goalie uses, and take those away with good positioning using both 3 and 5 bars, and aggressive "shaking".  If I'm the goalie, I'm usually on the side the ball is on and moving with the ball.  I would say that this plan has worked relatively well, but there must be improvements available through zone defenses and using all 4 bars working together.  I don't distrust my partner, I just try to stop every ball if I can.

So, how do pro doubles players start the discussion?  What are some of the ways (man/rod positions) the two players can defend together?  e.g. set up this way, then if the ball goes this way, do this.  This may be tough to describe without photos/videos.

Passing plays and shooting from the back.
Depending on the shooting and passing repertoire of the goalie, how do you coordinate passing or shooting from the back?  For example, while goalie is setting up, forward should always have his 3-bar down against the wall on whichever side the ball is on (and moving from side to side as his goalie moves the ball).  Are there any common signals goalies use to tip off his forward that a pass is coming - or is that too amateur?  How does the forward avoid blocking his goalie's shot, but still be there to catch the ball for passes?

Hope the questions are too open.  I'm sure we will deep dive into certain examples...