
Tornado Twister 2 questions

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Tornado Twister 2 questions
« on: December 10, 2020, 07:07:07 PM »
Hey there. New to site. I am thinking about buying a Twister 2 table I see for sale. First question... the pictures show the 3 man Goalie in the 2 man defender spot on both sides, so they need to swapped. How do you do that? Do you have to take the men off? Do you need a PIN tool for the handles?  Next question... the badge says Twister, its listed as Twister 2.
The ball return though doesnt match either of those tables as its on the end. Need some help. Please and thanks.

Offline crazy8

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Re: Tornado Twister 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2020, 10:47:08 AM »
There is a 'pin tool'.  Essentially, it is a strong, straight bar the right size for the whole.  Sort of like a #8 finishing nail.
  Place it over the pin that goes through the man or handle and hit with a hammer - repeatedly.  In addition to the pin-tool, you need to place a block of wood under the rod when removing the pin from a man..  This will prevent the rod from bending.  Support the rod a best you can when doing the handles.   I understand that the lesser Tornado tables do have their ball return at each end instead of one return on the yellow-side.

Re: Tornado Twister 2 questions
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2020, 05:01:14 PM »
5/32" Punch is the tool that works best. You'll need to hammer all the pins out on the guys and handles to pull the rods on that model because its a snap in bearing design and not the split bearing design.

Re: Tornado Twister 2 questions
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2020, 05:44:03 PM »
*  Just the guys  no need to remove handles

Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: Tornado Twister 2 questions
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2020, 11:23:54 PM »
Not sure about the low end tables but on most Tornados, you can remove rods with the men intact by removing the handle and taking off the bearings.

Re: Tornado Twister 2 questions
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2020, 03:17:00 PM »
One more question... the Tornado Twister table appears to have 2 height options when attaching the legs.
I assume I would want to make sure the table is attached such that it is at it's highest, meaning... use the lowest  2 holes
available to make the table the highest.
AND... when attaching the legs, is it OK to sit the table on an end and work on the legs, making sure not to ever lean the table on one set when I turn it upright.

Sorry for dumb questions...I want to do this right and only once.
Thank you all.