
Tornado Brown Marble Worth

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Tornado Brown Marble Worth
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:08:25 PM »
Looking at my first table and would like to get the opinion of others who know a whole more than I do.  Looking at a Brown Marble Tornado Coin Op, Serial Number 880796, Rack count at 24,301, Asking $800.

Notes from Seller:
Rods all in great shape and have one extra rod.
No known issues
"guy before us was into tournaments and replaced bearings, bumpers, counterbalanced men."
Current owner has had for 11 years in residence. 
Play field in excellent shape.

My comments: From what I've read here and other places these tables go for $400-$500 top end, so I think the price is high.  That said I don't see a lot of coin ops around me.  Rack count seems high, but I'm making that assumption arbitrarily not on experience.  I would think her statement of the previous owner was into tournaments to be a good thing, but obviously that was 11 years ago.  Goals do not appear to be blown out from pics.  Will try to upload pics if I can as I'm a new poster.  I'm looking for a table for personal use.  I enjoy playing recreationally with friends and want a good table that will last a long time.     

Re: Tornado Brown Marble Worth
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2023, 07:04:51 PM »
Brown marble came with counter balanced men - are they the new or old style? Cant tell if has new handles. They did not put on the new clear, non-ramped side strips. $800 seems high to me. How long has it been posted? Laws of supply and demand affect price but I would think 500 max for this if it were in really good shape and no rust or bends on rods, warps in cabinet, or blown out goals. Browns are good tables.