the Mastery series video will not help on this issue at is a very basic presentation on entry level stuff...I love videos and I appreciate all the work that went into them but I couldn't finish watching them
if a person was a total beginner, I would say okay, or if you just collected foosball videos but otherwise it isn't designed to help with this sort of thing
better spend your money on Inside Foosball video that has good pull shooters and study what they do in real life situations...
other than that, if you want technical detailed mechanics information you need to get with top pull shot shooters and ask them...
there are a number of approaches to shooting the pull and more than one that is need to find something that works for you
i am a very very big proponent of repetition for practice but it is correct that repetition makes permanent...I believe you can work through the mechanics if you watch video, ask, study, experiment but if you aren't careful, you could ingrain some bad habits that are hard to break
this doesn't mean don't practice while you are working through this but it means to be deliberate and careful about the time you spend working on a stroke
ICEMAN gave some good pull shot information in another post which I will try and find later
I have some pull shoot information Todd Loffredo has given in the past...I don't think these will address your specific question but there is some real good fundemental information
I think ICE can help with developing power if he reads this post and makes some time to address it
good luck