This question is no doubt asked often by fools like myself, but this seemed like the most sensible place to ask it, so:
One of my girl friends just got engaged and will also graduate in December. For kind of a celebration gift for both events, I'd like to get her a table. I've been doing a lot of research, but while I found lots about the Tornado, Bonzini, and Garlando, there isn't much about the lower end tables. She's not a serious/competitive player, this is just for recreational use. I'd like to get her something nice, but reasonably priced. I was hoping to spend under $500. I was actually hoping to spend much less to be perfectly honest (we're not
that close
), but don't want to get her something worthless. Is there a quality table out there within my price range? I was starting to look on craigslist too, since I would be happy buying something used in good condition, but honestly I have no idea what I'm even looking for.
More succinctly, what is the cheapest table of decent quality I can buy? And, what should I be looking for if I'm buying a used table? Thanks a lot for your help.