Just a question for the experts here......I assume, which could be a mistake, that as a pro (I am not one) you would want endorsement deals and I would do everything possible to slap my name on as many foosball products as I could......that being said, Why don't the pros make an instructional video, endorse it and sell it at events and online.....I have seen the TTR master wraps but I havent seen many other products that use big name players names to help sell. I have bought a instructional video Foosball Mastery which is good, but hearing it from a top player would've been better........And I would pay a good chunk of change if a top player would come to my area and do some lessons or tutorials.....
And how many players actually make a living playing foosball? I have met a few promasters and they work other jobs.....I just think there are so many other avenues financially these players could take to increase the cash coming in....
Any thoughts would be appreciated.......
Heres one idea..... Buy the best wraps in the world...... Paps Wraps....