We're getting a lot of feedback about this upcoming event. There will be many new first time players as well as many of the past champions. Come out and be a part of the history and help support the local Boys and Girls Club in Wilmington.
36th Annual NC State Foosball Championships
October 1st, 2nd and 3rd
$2,500.00 in Cash, Prizes and Trophies
BreakTime Billiards Sports Bar and Grill
127 South College Road
Wilmington, NC
Proceeds to benefit The Brigade Boys and Girls Club
http://breaktimetenpin.comWe are excited to continue the nation's longest and oldest running state foosball championship once again at BreakTime Billiards. This annual event has become much more than a regular foosball tour tournament, it has become a weekend of events to celebrate our foosball history, gathering of friends from abroad and an opportunity to spotlight the kids from the Brigade Boy's and Girls Club.
We kick-off the weekend of fun with The 3rd Annual Cape Fear Links Challenge on Thursday September 30th at Castle Bay Country Club in Hampstead, NC. This Captain's Choice event, with a few twists, has become quite popular with the patrons of BreakTime and tour Foosers that play a little golf. The on course beverage service has become second to none and the catered lunch and dinner buffet is outstanding.
http://www.castlebaycc.comFor the foosball player’s with family member: Wilmington will be celebrating "RiverFest". This community event is held in the historic district of downtown. There are plenty of activities for all family members.
http://wilmingtonriverfest.comSpecial Events:
This will be our first year holding the Can/Am Cup. This doubles event will team 1 U.S.A. player with 1 Canadian player in a modified ROTO format. The winning teams name will go on a special plaque. This event will be held annually from this point on. Our Canadian Bonzini players have been very supportive of our events and charities which are greatly appreciated.
The Brigade Boys and Girls Club provide an outstanding service to the local Cape Fear region. We have been fortunate in being able to place 2 new foosball tables at 2 separate locations for the kids to practice on. They will be holding a small qualifying tournament shortly before the NC State Foosball Championships and we will have the Championship playoff on Saturday October 2nd to start things off. This portion of the 36th Annual State Foosball Championships is sponsored by the Right Decision, Right Now youth anti-smoking program from the RJR Tobacco Company.
http://www.brigadebgc.orghttp://rightdecisionsrightnow.comCheck out all of the photos from last year’s event at:
http://picasaweb.google.com/bonziniusa/2009The35thAnnualNCStateFoosballChampionships#Our next scheduled event:
The 2nd Annual South Carolina State Foosball Championships
November 12th and 13th
$1,000.00 in Cash, Prizes and Trophies
Carolina Wings and Rib House
2347 Augusta Road
West Columbia, SC