couple of years back people kept posting on different threads facts about Adrian Zamora...I saved them because I thought it was something everyone should know...see them below
Some quick Adrian Zamora facts:
Adrian Zamoras' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Adrian Zamora does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Adrian Zamora goes killing.
Adrian Zamora counted to infinity - twice.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Adrian Zamora.
If you can see Adrian Zamora, he can see you. If you can't see Adrian Zamora you may be only seconds away from death.
Adrian Zamora is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right hands.
Adrian Zamora has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.
When Adrian Zamora sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Adrian Zamora has not had to pay taxes ever.
Adrian Zamora sleeps with a night light. Not because Adrian Zamora is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Adrian Zamora.
As a teen Adrian Zamora impregnated every nun in a convent tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional football history.
President Bush DID have a sure fire plan to end the war in Iraq however Adrian Zamora was busy that day.
If Adrian Zamora is late, time better slow the f#@$ down.
A blind man once stepped on Adrian Zamoras' shoe. Adrian replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Adrian Zamora!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was the fatal right hand delivered by Adrian Zamora.
Someone once tried to tell Adrian that pullshots aren't the best way to beat someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Adrian Zamoras' hand is the only hand that can beat a royal flush.
At birth, Adrian Zamora came out right hand first so he could punch the doctor in the face. No one delivers Adrian Zamora, but Adrian Zamora.
Adrian Zamora can touch MC Hammer.
Superman owns a pair of Adrian Zamora pajamas.
Before he forgot a gift for Adrian Zamora, Santa Claus was real.
Adrian Zamora doesn't just shake your hand to be a good sport when he's done beating you, he takes a part of your soul with him
Adrian Zamora doesn't need you to vote for him, because when he hears you haven't, he will laugh in your general direction. The sonic wave from his laughter will rattle into your skull making you and your entire family deaf, dumb, mute and quadriplegic. You only need to worry if you don't thank him afterward (by any means possible) for laughing at you.
We all know that Adrian is so fast he can stop your heart and revive you with his right hand over and over for personal entertainment.
From what I understand Adrain Zamora steals your pass then round-house kicks you in the face, scores and marks the point before your body hits the ground.
Adrian Zamora lost the flip once... He called heads; it came up tails... There's no longer an eagle on the back of a do the math.
You guys should really discontinue using Adrian's name out loud....
Guns don't kill people. Adrian Zamora kills People.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals that Adrian Zamora allows to live.
Adrian Zamora has two speeds. Walk, and Kill.
The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Adrian Zamora 3. Cancer
The quickest way to a Man's heart is with Adrian Zamoras' fist.
In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Adrian Zamora, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever gotten.
Wilt Chamberlin claims to of slept with over 20,000 women in his lifetime. Adrian Zamora calls this "a slow Tuesday."
If you ask Adrian Zamora what time it is, he always says, "Two
seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse
kicks you in the face.
Macgyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but
Adrian Zamora can kill him and take it.
Adrian Zamora once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot
broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia
Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean.
Adrian Zamora doesn't read books. He stares them down until he
gets the information he wants.
Adrian Zamora lost his virginity before his dad did.
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who suck,
and Adrian Zamora.
Crop circles are Adrian Zamora's way of telling the world that
sometimes corn needs to lie the fu#@ down.
When Adrian Zamora goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe,
and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.
In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Adrian Zamora
could use to kill you, including the room itself.
Adrian Zamora is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a
game of tennis.
Adrian Zamora can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass…at
It takes Adrian Zamora 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
Adrian Zamora is not lactose intolerant, he just refuses to put
up with lactose's ***.
Adrian Zamora can divide by zero
Adrian Zamora does not sleep. He waits.
Adrian Zamora sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.
If you can see Adrian Zamora, he can see you. If you can't see Adrian Zamora, you may be only seconds away from death.
The chief export of Adrian Zamora is pain.
When Adrian Zamora sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Adrian Zamora has not had to pay taxes ever.
Adrian Zamora' action figure has slept with more women then most men.
Oxygen requires Adrian Zamora to live.
When Adrian Zamora plays Oregon Trail, his family does not die from cholera or dysentery, but rather roundhouse kicks to the face. He also requires no wagon, since he carries the oxen, axels, and buffalo meat on his back. He always makes it to Oregon before you.
Adrian Zamora can win a game of Monopoly without owning any property.
Adrian Zamora ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Adrian Zamora once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Adrian Zamora re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publically claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer.
Adrian Zamora can believe it's not butter.
When a tsunami happens, it’s because Adrian Zamora has been swimming laps in the ocean.
Adrian Zamora poops light sabers.
Adrian Zamora clips his toenails with a chain saw. But he holds it backwards.
Adrian Zamora’s belly button is actually a power outlet.
Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Adrian Zamora