Table 1 reminds me of the old browntop ts, but probably a knockoff
Table 2 is just junk
Neither will help you get your game better, I would suggest that you add "tornado" to the search criteria on Craigslist and if you can find a coin-op in decent shape for less than $600, jump on it. OR you can check out the new Warrior table at any IFP event, you can buy them there for $600, or new from the Warrior website for $750 plus shipping. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but if you want to take your game even half seriously, you have to get either a Tornado or a Warrior. Good Luck.
PS to Will17-- haha you just beat me to it!
PSS to mceagle555--where ya from? the reason I ask is that there is a "McEagle" development corp in my area, just wondering if you are in the St Louis/Metro West area? If you are I would be happy to help you find a decent table.