
Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2

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Re: Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2008, 08:52:15 AM »
What defines a person is what is in their heart and mind and the work of their hands, at leat that is the way I see it.

Re: Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2008, 11:08:06 AM »

So there you have it, black people do play foos, just not many. Some even know enough to teach others about the game,lol.
Should we ever meet, I'll beg you to teach me some US-style table soccer! That would be great!

You won't have to beg, just ask. A funny story, to me at least, in Austria at the Garlando Worlds, I was showing about 10 guys the fundamentals in shooting a pull. I kept noticing this guy kind of looming in the background never saying anything or even approaching the table, just watching. After some of the guys left, he finally comes up and tries to do what I have been showing the other guys. At first he has a little trouble but I show him a few adjustments to make and in about 5 minutes, he's starting to figure it out. I can tell from the expression on his face he is amazed at his ability to execute a shot that only 15 minutes earlier he had no clue about. He looks at me with a smile on his face and says to me is his best English, " Iceman, you very good trainer. From now on I call you the " TRAINER ". You be here tommorow, I want to learn more about pull shot." I say sure if you see me walking around just ask.

So if plans pan out, I will be in France twice, and the Netherlands for the Tecball Worlds, and maybe in Austria for the Garlando Worlds so come on out and I'll see you there.

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2008, 12:46:10 PM »
The fight is still going on, but after a few victorious battles (Ha! YES WE F***ING CAN!) one thing is getting more and more obvious: In the end we will prevail! It might take a few more generations, but eventually racism will vanish from this planet. They are both a waste of time and the waste of the joy of life.

I think that may be a very long time coming.  It is a good fight, but evil will always take advantage of human insecurities and "Us versus Them" and the capability to stop recognizing (suspension of humanity?) others as humans deserving of consideration.  Part of the human genome is the desire to differentiate oneself and one's individuality, and demagogues and tyrants will always mix that with the "mob" and "hysteria" mentality from our animal beginnings to try to get what they want.  I don't think racism will ever really vanish from the planet, and the fight should be eternal.

Granted the stars were aligned for it to happen, but never did I think I would see a black president of the US in my lifetime.

Did you know that if Germans were allowed to vote for a US-candidate, Obama would have gotten 89 percent of our votes?

Yes, but the way the economy was, I believe if a piece of dog turd, still steaming, was running to replace Bush, and Germans were allowed to vote for a US-elect, 88 percent of Germans and the whole world would have voted in the turd.  Still, all-in-all, Obama (who is Hawaiian-born, from MY HOME STATE = PARADISE, BTW !!!! :) ) was the best candidate, although this US president, sadly, couldn't and will never have an open-air motorcade through the lower 20 states, some parts of Michigan and the Ruby Ridge area ...  too many grassy knolls.  And the fact that he was raised wealthy and very white, except for his controversial and "cool" 60's acquaintances and his maverick minister mentor, Rev Wright of many many years, that he denied and distanced himself from for politics sake, didn't stop them in Dallas, either.  JFK and RFK, despite being Catholics, were pretty dang white, and were still erased.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 12:57:52 PM by foozkillah »

Re: Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2008, 03:15:10 PM »
I don't think racism will ever really vanish from the planet, and the fight should be eternal.
But take a look around and see how far we've come since the end of World War 2! But of course there's still a lot of work to do and a lot of battles to be fought. I can't speak for all the "good guys", but I don't care if you're a pessimist as long as you are on our side...
Did you know that if Germans were allowed to vote for a US-candidate, Obama would have gotten 89 percent of our votes?

Yes, but the way the economy was, I believe if a piece of dog turd, still steaming, was running to replace Bush, and Germans were allowed to vote for a US-elect, 88 percent of Germans and the whole world would have voted in the turd.
*LOL* Did you also know that no one over here gives a f**k about the US economy? And why should we think that Obama knows anything about a solution for this crisis? But you're right: Everyone in Europe would have been glad if Bush had been replaced in time by a piece of steamin' dog turd. But now he would have been replaced anyway, and McCain seemed to be quite okay for a Republican.

But a black guy named Barrack Hussein Obama conquering the Oval Office is a totally different story. He won't even have to do something useful, just having made it there makes him some kind of messiah. I don't know a single person here who doesn't adore that man.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Please leave a comment on ESPN page 2
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2008, 04:25:22 PM »
89 comments lets get over 100 before the end of the month