
Warrior Update

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Warrior Update
« on: December 08, 2009, 04:18:42 PM »
Just want to address a few Topics.

      When will new warrior tables be out?

Can't tell you for sure, wish I had better news. What i can tell you is the last batch is not up to the standard that I would like to see, but i can tell you that they are alot better than what people saw in Hawaii. They were assembled wrong which caused many problems that are not there when assembled correctly. That was witnessed in L.A.

     People who won tables, where are they?

Nothing has changed. If you believe you have a table or tables coming to you as always you simply need to arrange with Mary, PAY SHIPPING anb HANDLING. 119.00 and it will be sent to you. I am sorry but Warrior does not have a list of who is due tables. Mary has a complete list.

I can tell you that no way will I go thru want i went thru 5 years ago. You will not hold me hostage for 7 years or more holding a table for you. I have always bent over backwards to go beyond the call of duty for the players but sometime next year those who due not claim thier tables will be notified directly, given ample time to claim them, and if they don't I will not store tables indefinatly. IT IS NOT FAIR TO ME!

  Will Warrior will be out of the foosball buisness in the near future?

It does not take a genius to figure out that I have lost a bundle on foosball over the years. (believe it or not close to a millon dollars)
In my opinion the only reason for that is I have not been able to dedicate enough time to this endevor. I have told many people over the years that if they were to outlaw golf tommorro, I could make all the money I need in foosball. I still firmly believe that so I plan on staying in the buisness until either i get the time or the qualified help to push things along faster.

  What about next years tour?

Well first of all Mary is 100% in charge of the IFP tour. (YES I HAVE SUBSIDIZED THE LOSS) In talking with her the plan is to still have 4-6 big tournaments and we have come to the conclusion that it would be more cost effective and better for the sport to run several (8-20) small tournaments (3-5k) run by local promoters to which we supply the tables.
P.S. If you believe that you are qualified and capable of finding a location and running a successful tournament of this size in your area, please contact me with your qualifications, proposed location, and other info that you feel is reason for being selected as the person to run the tournament in your local area.

  In closing, we have a long way to go, but just about anyone who has attended Warrior/IFP tournaments over the last year and half will attest to the fact that we have run some of the most fun (and dollar for dollar payouts) tournaments in the history of the sport.

 P.S. I want to sincerly thank all the players who have supported us in quest to revive the sport of foosball, there are too many to name individualy, and to those players I know there have been some problems lately but you have my word that I have and will continue to address them until they are corrected.

Re: Warrior Update
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 07:49:53 PM »
Brendan, When you get your table where you want it and have it available as a coin-op I plan on buying one maybe even a couple and place one in a local venue of some sort. I really have great hope that you are successful and continue with your original direction in the table playability. I still hope you can bring your tour up here to the NW as we have many players that hearken from the TS days and will do well on your tables as Jack Lenty showed at the Super Doubles. I imagine it is hard to get established but I believe you will and thank you for taking the risk.


Re: Warrior Update
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 01:58:59 PM »
Well first of all Mary is 100% in charge of the IFP tour. (YES I HAVE SUBSIDIZED THE LOSS) In talking with her the plan is to still have 4-6 big tournaments and we have come to the conclusion that it would be more cost effective and better for the sport to run several (8-20) small tournaments (3-5k) run by local promoters to which we supply the tables.

P.S. If you believe that you are qualified and capable of finding a location and running a successful tournament of this size in your area, please contact me with your qualifications, proposed location, and other info that you feel is reason for being selected as the person to run the tournament in your local area.

Or if you can refer someone.

Northwest is old school foosball country and I agree will love warrior foosball.

Jack Lenty!#$!3   Jack Lenty#!&%##  Lost to him 3 times over the weekend in L.A.. Thought I was going to beat him each and every one of those times. He got Evan Stachlic at least twice. Had Evan shaking his head. What a great all around player. Not only was his execution almost flawless but his focus and down to earth mental strength was very impressive.

Re: Warrior Update
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 04:32:32 PM »
We have four great tournament directors in the Seattle and Portland areas. Myk Donaldson in Seattle is tried and true and has great support in the likes of Pat Mandin and Chad Kimmel as well as others. In Portland we have Issac Bowen and Harold Hutchinson, our Oregon state directors and again there is solid help in a number of others. Our last Oregon State Championships was a great tournament and the venue was perfect as kids could play there also yet a guy could have a beer in the next room and sit on couches  in that lounge area while doing it. You should have seen our local kids going at it with the kid that won Colorado State, it was great and they won some of those matches too. The site where we all meet and lovingly trash each other is Drop in and hint about the type of tournament you are talking and you will see a great response. Oh, and about Jack, we think he is really Popeye in hiding, oh, just visit the site and you will see, lol. Once again, thanks for your efforts,,,