Hello, I saw a few guys like me in here, older now, kids, used to be a player, kinda the real thing, you know some of us ski town boys...No girls around, so we gotta work our grip strength.
Anyway, I do a lot of custom web development now, would like to buy a nice 3000 but the wifey countered with diamond earrings, and I believed her bluff, sooooo....
Never hurts to ask, and I want my young'uns to be able to demolish their friends. You should see them play ping pong, but that table was only a hundred bucks.
If you have a store, a business, an anything - I'd love to trade a nice table for a custom website. There are no limits to what I can deliver. Blue chip references. The real thing - AOL, Time Warner, Time Inc., Tribune Media etc., several other major corporate buildouts.
Been a lot of years, bet I suck now.
Thanks guys, email me at skinner009@yahoo.com