
random draw

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random draw
« on: April 12, 2010, 03:03:01 AM »
This week we had only 3 teams 1st tony+kevin  22$  2nd john p + jesse 8$ + 12$ random= 20$  3rd gary+ sam      We had to break the radom draw rules of 1st and 2nd playing for 75%- 25% for 2 reasons. 1 of the 3rd place losers would have got the 12$, which normally would have been fine. But or agreement with the bar was to keep players around. And 3 would have left when they lost in this situation.  And 2 all the teams might try to lose on purpose.  We really need the foosball players to spread the word on what were doing now with the random draw, which 1 person can win more than 2nd place by luck after not making it to 2nd or 1st. Even being 1st out can win, if they stay till its down to 1st and 2nd.  And that 1st in the upcoming points race will go to seattle. And a random draw between 2nd- 10th in the points race. Remember this paid for by the bar and kevin or foosball operator.  All so the extra 2$ can now go to someone who didnt place. So all the money is being paid right back out on the same night.  Now the players will have something to look foward to when I beat them by slop then go on to take 2nd place. And they get more money then me.  A brand new player can win the random draw even if they dont know how to play foosball at all.     If someone is drawn for the random draw but has left the bar, then another name will be drawn.   Also we see no reason why someone who is just sitting at the bar and has no desire to play foosball , can,t pay an entry fee of 7$ to be put in the random draw to get a chance to win the random draw.  They to will have to stick around till its down to 1st and 2nd.  Which would be just fine the bar.    Please tell any fooser you run into whats going on.   

Offline foozkillah

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Re: random draw
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 09:45:34 PM »

Wow, that's some marketing! LOL!  Pretty creative!  Illegal, but creative, if cash is involved, as in any "Calcutta" style drawings.  Although who would bother to enforce it in America's top state, is any grizzly's guess.

Is it some kind of seasonal slowdown?  Tax anxiety blues?  Must be just as fun in your state come the ides of April.. if not more.. 

Besides word of mouth, do you and/or the bar do anything during the week to promote the tourney?  A poster by the door or bathroom or by the front entrance, maybe all?  Keeping the foos alive can be a major pain and a real workload many times... So I was wondering what you guys were doing.

Re: random draw
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 01:28:23 AM »
We have just started, nothing going yet. Its our summer slow down. Too much to do in the summer up here. Just tryed a random thing once.