
NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement

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NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:27:05 PM »

    USTSF has engaged with marketing representatives from 55DSL/Diesel, a trendy designer fashion clothing company that will be running foosball tournaments in seven different countries in connection with the upcoming FIFA World Cup of Soccer.  As some may be aware, 55DSL/Diesel has an international chain of stores, with one of their feature storefronts for the USA in downtown NYC.  Prizes for their free-entry event (to be held in NYC in May and featuring doubles only) are an all-expense paid, winner-take-all trip to Italy, to compete in yet another tournament (playoff finals) in June.  The winning team in Italy will further be awarded an all-expense paid trip to the FIFA World Cup in South Africa in June as guests of the 55DSL/Diesel international chain.  

    This is all great, but there are some conflicts and several restrictions being imposed that will severely limit the total number of entries.  For example, advance registration is mandated, as is proof of valid passports, and at least one of the two team members of each doubles team must physically register in person at the NYC store itself and bring the required passport verification/documentation for both players (i.e. no online, mail-in, fax or other forms of registration allowed).  There is also a limited, registration window in April/early May (see confirmed schedule below).  And the USA tournament is being played at the NYC store itself, with four weekday evenings of qualification rounds and a one-day Saturday single elimination finals.  Here’s the schedule:

NYC SIGN UP PHASE April 19 - May 7
NYC QUALIFICATION HEATS May 11 - May 14 (evenings)
NYC FINALS May 15 (all day)
Travel to South Africa - few days prior to JULY 11th  

    …And it's being played on some sort of (so far un-named) Italian tables.  (Although this is NOT an ITSF event, the ITSF's Italian Federation is involved, so it's most likely some model of Roberto Sport or similar.)  Identical qualifying tournaments are being held concurrently/on the same dates in seven other countries.  All participating teams must certify that if they win they can and will attend the finals in Italy and if they win in Italy that they can/will attend the Grand Prize trip to South Africa.  The event will use ITSF rules but again, it is not associated with ITSF itself.  

    On top of everything else, the NYC event directly conflicts with MD State and for some (both in the USA and Europe), with Bonzini Worlds.  Thus, because of all the above restrictions, tournament conflicts and relatively late announcement, I really don't anticipate that this event will adversely draw players away from MD State but rather, it would primarily draw from NY and northeast locals who don't normally tour.)  

    So, there are two ways to look at this tournament: one is that there are so many restrictions on participation that few will be able to enter, at least here in the USA where 99% of the population doesn't own a passport and doesn't live within easy access to NYC to register.  On the other hand, for teams that can find a way to register, there may be little to no competition even for semi-pro teams and an all-expense paid trip to Italy in June sure sounds like a great deal to me.  And you never know: USA's teams have been able to win at ITSF Worlds and World Cup on any table, so whoever wins in NYC and Italy may yet win the further trip to the FIFA World Cup in South Africa -- possibly hanging out with a bunch of Italian soccer fanatic fashion designers and models for a week could be quite a party.  

    In connection with all the above, what USTSF needs is support in putting the word out (at NY State, IFP Atlanta, via web/email/etc) to the maximum number of players so that even with all the restrictions they at least get enough teams to run the event at all.  (This is also a company that intends to do a decent media splash and may follow up with increased involvement in the USA, so it certainly could be good for the visibility of the sport in NY and nationally, and for its image if run smoothly.)  For now and until USTSF establishes a local/NYC point of contact, I will be the one to answer any questions:  

    On a separate note, Germany's 2010 P4P Open World Championships this year features approximately $75,000 in prizes and is being held 3-6 June at the Conference and Sports Hotel ARAMIS near Stuttgart.  One of the most fun, most professionally-run tournaments on the planet -- highly recommended.  The event will also feature an international teams competition but if USA players hope to participate in that particular category you'll have to register in advance (int'l teams competition is limited to the first 16 teams to confirm attendance).  See flier:  NOT AN ITSF EVENT.  

    Last: For those interested/so motivated, another couple members of USTSF's Board of Directors will rotate out of their terms in September.  As a 501c(3) non-profit, all-volunteer player-run charitable organization, all are welcome to enquire / run for those offices (they are elected positions).  We've also got about 12 USTSF State Director positions left to fill...  Contact Pat Ryan ( for more details.

    Last-last: FYI -- In an effort to gain greater visibility for table soccer amongst the sports/entertainment industry, the USOC, and any potential tournament and tour sponsors, USTSF has been attending the annual TEAMS Conferences, the U.S. Sports Congress, and the National Association of Sports Commissions Symposium, among others.  Basically, the events we attend/participate in are in a different arena of the sports industry -- those that are outside the NSGA, AMOA, ACME, Billiard Congress, & Nightclub & Bar trade shows that VD-Tornado/other manufacturers are currently attending.  Among others this year, USTSF will have a booth at the NASC Symposium (April 13-15, Columbus, OH).

    Last-last-last: USTSF’s newly updated/upgraded website should be online any day now... keep checking back.  An under-construction preview is already available:

Please feel free to forward/post this info to all concerned -- widest dissemination requested.  

Very respectfully,
Larry Davis, President
United States Table Soccer Federation

"Ask not what the sport of Foosball can do for you;
 ask what you can do for the sport of Foosball."

« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 04:29:42 PM by LarryDavis »

2 Days Left to Register for 55DSL/Diesel NYC Tournament
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 04:54:53 PM »
Deadline for registration is Friday of this week!! 

Also: the sponsor/promoter needs some locals for pre-event fun and media coverage.

Last, the event is being run in-store on special edition home model Garlando tables (not ITSF versions). 

See below for website (includes posters, event info, etc) and for an idea of the sponsor's media copy/talking points.  Enjoy! 

Larry D. sends, for USTSF and 55 DSL / Diesel. 


-----Original Message-----
From: 55 DSL / Diesel
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:54 AM
Subject: Foosball tv press opportunity

Hi Larry,

We are pushing the 55DSL foosball battle on many levels and have had interest from the pr person representing Panini.
He is pitching some TV slots to help promote the event.
Would you be happy to co-ordinate with him about securing some tv friendly foosball players?
If so I'll put you in touch with him today.

Also we are putting together a mini foosball friendly for Cinco de Mayo again to drum up more interest and
get people excited, I'll be reaching out to a local foosball bar to see if we can get someone to ref it for 3 hours.
If you have any suggestions as to someone that would be good for it please let me know.
This foosball friendly will take place in our 55DSL store at 281 Lafayette Street from 6-9pm.
There will be free margaritas and beer for all players/guests.



NY, NY, 10011
Tel 212 755 9200 ext 324
Fax 212 255 6641
<> <> 

Dear Larry
Just a heads up
Below is a newsletter that went out by email yesterday directly through VICE magazine to 8,000 NY subscribers.
They also sent out a facebook post to 12,000 friends and twittered to 28,498 followers.
This is the type of support we hope that will ensure we have a fun event,
the kind of event that will appeal to several types of people that enjoy foosball.

Additional awareness is also being built through other efforts

Street-teaming at 11 local NY/NJ foosball bars (posters/fliers)
5 additional VICE magazine twitter/facebook posts scheduled
2 additional VICE magazine dedicated newsletter scheduled

Promotional collateral in the 55DSL corner (Union Square)

Here's the website and the pre-event copy: 


Despite constant denigration by American football fans, soccer remains a jock's sport. Often a beautiful, flowing-haired type of jock's sport, but all the same, it's no place for the more bookish and less athletically inclined among us. Foosball, on the other hand, provides the visceral thrills and heart-stopping reversals of traditional soccer with the added bonus of sipping ice-cold beverages between goals.

To take a little wind out of those athletic, jock-driven sails, 55DSL has put together a worldwide battle for Foosball enthusiasts in seven different countries. Guess what country is included? Yes, that's right, the US of A!

We know what you're thinking right now: "How do I sign up for this amazing, no-holds-barred foosball challenge?" Well, we'll tell you: Pick a teammate, decide on a team name, and then head down to the 55DSL store located at 281 Lafayette Street starting today, Tuesday April 20th, through May 7th. When you arrive tell the nice chap or gal behind the counter that you want to sign up for the epic foosball battle. We must stress that at least one person from each team must go to the store in person to sign up. Remember to bring your passports to the sign-up as proof that everyone on your team can travel internationally. All players must be 21 or over.

The qualifying rounds will begin on May 11th and run through May 14th at the 55DSL store, from 4PM to 7PM. The top four teams from each day of the qualifying rounds will meet on Saturday May 15th to try and become the US winner.

The victors of the US 55DSL Foosball Battle will be flown to Bassano Del Grappa, Italy, to compete in the world finals on June 12th. There the lucky pair will join a US battalion (foosball team) and wage war against the foosball greats of Italy, Japan, France, Greece , Columbia, and the UK. So get to your local bar and start practicing your foosball skills before heading to 55DSL to sign up!

The 55DSL Galactic Foosball team who wins the finals will be sent to South Africa in July with 55DSL for what promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Re: NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2010, 12:49:30 AM »
Thanks Larry for making this happen. I am thankful to have played in this and be going to Italy. Wish I knew why there was so little interest among the touring players, I look forward to representing the US in the Galactic Battle of Foosball and will be working hard to earn that trip to South Africa.

Offline PatRyan

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Re: NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2010, 10:56:40 AM »
Congratulations Tom and Kevin !!!

I think many of the players in the area went to MD states, and I am sure many others either don't have passports, or cannot take the time away from work and family (should they have won).  I am sure this will be a great experience, wish I could have been there!

Pat Ryan

The Happy Winners!!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 03:16:31 PM by PatRyan »

Re: NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 10:08:27 PM »
What a couple of goofballs..... congrats guys.

Re: NYC: 55DSL/Diesel Tournament Promotion Pre-Announcement
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2010, 05:31:27 AM »
enjoy the Italy trip!