ONLINE SIGNUPS ARE READY!2010 Louisiana State Championships flyer at
http://www.ifptour.com and
http://Schedule.foosball.com > Sep 17-19, 2010 LA State Championships
lost/forgotten passwords Email me deadbarfoos@gmail.com
please provide your name/state, country, and your own email address (if you are emailing from someone elses email etc.)
any NEW player not a member of IFP , email us with your name, full address info and email
and your USTSA (or other rating system) points/ranking/player code-ID number if you have this info etc.
we can provide you with a password to register online!
when you are signed up ,then contact your partners and get them to sign up so you can "team" up with each other
so lets get everyone to team up it will save us lots of time getting events started on time all teamed up
all you have to do then is submit payment in the LA State Championships entry line,
as we will have all your info entered. simple time saving process!
hope to see you in a few days!!
if theres any problems with LA State Online Self-registration email Ben = deadbarfoos@gmail.com
click on the big green thing to goto the site to register: