Thanks for that link and the info on Mary Foozkillah, we watched some of the matches streaming live, pretty cool! (and intimidating for me) My wife has been practicing and so have I, after I put some 60 grit sandpaper in a mason jar and manualy tumbled one of the balls for about 30 minutes, the fuzz came back and made it MUCH easier to control, so we spent much of last night shaking a jar. Only issue other than the balls is the table surface does not seem completely level, at first everything rolled to the middle, we stacked some books inside on top of the ball ramp and made progress, but it's still not totaly right. The ball tends to drift away from the back man at the edge of the table, not very much but certainly annoying.
If you're wary of having to do any tabletop field replacement, you might try what
Ron "Ronzilla" Olson, David "Papa" Stremme, Chris "Forrrrrrrrest" Forest did with
the favorite coinop at Walsh's in Philadelphia. Those tables and yours are on hinges
that swing up and open:
There was a slight warp under two spots of the table...
1. Under the yellow 3bar in front of the straight to the farside of the goal
- where you'd set up a pull.
2. Under the yellow Goal bar between the far corner and the goal corner.
- hard to set up a pull on the yellow side. Also a danger of balls just
rolling into goal during play. (but then that danger's always there!

3-bar area:
- They shimmed with thick cardboard & beer coasters under the 3bar spot
until it leveled the dip. - they put the coasters on the top edges of the
interior ball return tunnel.
Goal area:
- They put a thin piece of wood between the end of the interior ball return
tunnel near the far yellow goal corner and the far table corner. They
finished with more beer coasters and shims.
Worked pretty well for months, until they ordered and replaced the surface
about 3 wks ago.