I'm sure those ITSF rules will help anyone going through the basics of foosball, as well as highlight the fact that there are, and have been for a long time, knowledgeable referees in a structured system for foosball. And they're obviously valid for all Fireball tables since it did come in as the sanctioned and recognized 5th ITSF tournament table. Congrats again by the way.... and I've known about the quality behind Fireball a full year before all these new converts started harping about it... Shanghai Fred, Dennis' bud, and my friend from his stay in South Florida, sent me the info and pics on Fireball 2 yrs ago,when it became China's table of choice. Now that your coin-ops are out, they should provide a wonderful alternative for venues for local DYP's and BYP's... perhaps the only choice for locations neglected or forgotten by Tornado. I'm intrigued by what would transpire if and when Fireball starts appearing on the eastern seaboard states, where the ball control issues could never again be used by players of the French game as an excuse, and Tornado style fellow Americans would have none, either.
Since a large potential customer base for Fireball USA would include North American foosers who come from a 30-40 yr Tornado tradition (by default, of course, and their original durability and staying power...) I was wondering what Fireball USA would sanction for its rules on this continent.. If Tornado/IFP (3% you say huh... and yes I believe ya) comes out with new non-ITSF rules like foosing the ball, changing to their version of the "Colorado Clear" rules, remove the "Win by Two" for the final game in a match, or perhaps even change the time limits for the goal area, and even re-allow aerial shots and clears... how local US promoters for Fireball USA would react to this. Those Fireball TD's will always have final say, of course... for their events.... but since a big part of their entries will have been playing under the new T/IFP World Tour rules, you can be PRETTY DARN SURE THAT T/IFP WILL NOT BE DOING YOU OR FIREBALL ANY FAVORS BY MAKING THE TRANSITION TO YOUR EVENTS ANY EASIER, AS IN USING ROUGHLY EQUIVALENT RULES ... (which would also be a sign that they recognize you as a legit up and coming competitor in the Coin-op and parts arena which they ,,, uhhh ,,, kinda really value, so it should also be a good sign)
And hey.... if you believe it's yours and Fireball's time, then by all means... step up on this soapbox with me... go git 'im!