
How about them girls?

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How about them girls?
« on: July 21, 2013, 09:48:54 AM »
Hello dear foosball-ers,

I have experienced a lack of female players in foosball, not necessarily on a proffesional level but on every-day-life-foosball as well.
Have you noticed the same? Why do you think that is? I have come down to it happening due to accessibility (usually foosball tables are in places where girls don't typically hang out) as well as it being a (stereotypical) gender issue: girls don't like football or any "branch" of it. Some other times, the few girls that play, can get discouraged by males players who possibly feel threatened by them (or their manhood, if they lose to a girl).
What do you guys think?

Re: How about them girls?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 07:34:55 PM »
Ive said this for years. very few women play foosball, but lots of women play pool. not sure why.

Re: How about them girls?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2013, 02:56:26 PM »
I've personally seen a big difference in the way beginner women are treated from beginner men.

Even when both are equally bad, there seems to be more patience for a guy than for a girl.
The guy's partner will try to give them tips while the girl's partner often just gives up on winning anything.

I would say that this has led to the few women who do come out not wanting to continue coming because the environment is not very conducive to them learning.

However, this is completely anecdotal based on a fairly small sample size, so whether or not this is really a reason is as good a guess as any...

Re: How about them girls?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 08:44:02 AM »
spideray, I agree with you.
In my experience what you described really happens. However, it's not only the partner of the girl who is unwilling to be patient and to give tips, but also other players (not necessarily opponents).
Also, it's not only in the beginner's level. Even if a female player is more advanced many insecure guys (or with too much "manhood") will try to discourage girls from playing this game in  many ways. Either by trashtalking or by not accepting the challenge to play a game when it's done by girls or by making a ridicule out of them - even when it's those guys who have lost. For example they would try to belittle the girls' victory by saying ironic comments about their non existent tactics and a high level of luck etc.

However, I have also experienced being disrespected continuously for a year by a male opponent (who was admittedly really good but also very arrogant about it) but it was only when I decided to not let his attitude affect and trashtacked him in his face (on the grounds of the game not his personality) and it was only then that he actually gave me respect.

Have you noticed abotu such examples? what do you think of it?

Re: How about them girls?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2013, 08:45:31 AM »
Ive said this for years. very few women play foosball, but lots of women play pool. not sure why.

ale, do you think it might have to do because foosball is related to football - a sport which is a flagship of gender segragation?