
Is it valid to smash the ball against the wall intentionally

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Is it valid to smash the ball against the wall intentionally
« on: August 23, 2013, 07:35:45 PM »

I have this scenario. While playing one of my friends every time he has an opportunity he would smash the ball against the wall in a sideways movement making the ball sometimes go out of the field or some other times by luck scoring a goal (against me or sometimes even against him). For me is not a valid movement since you have no control of your action but I want to double check. So my question is , it is valid?.

Note: when he is doing this he is in possession of the ball or the ball is loose, so he just hit really hard the ball in a sideways movement against the wall.

I have been reading the rules and I find things like

Rules: No Jarring of the table or banging against the sidewalls. (Not sure if this is the rule that applies since I saw it on the Defense... and he is attacking or sometimes defending but he is just lucky).

Or this one

No Jarring - Jarring is a rule for when a player slams his or her rods against the wall of the foosball table in an attempt to distract or jar the foosball loose from the other player's possession. The rule is that there is no jarring allowed at any point during a game. This is not the same as when a player on the opposite team moves his or her foosball rods back and forth in an attempt to play defense. The key this foosball rule is when a player hits the wall of the table with enough force to jar the ball or distract the opponent. That is why this is a subjective rule that may be called more strict by certain foosball players.

Step 3.  Scoop/pinch the ball in the direction you want it to go.  Brush up to the lane or brush down for the wall.
-NEVER hit, swing at or strike the ball.  You hover so close to the ball that you actually push or steer the ball.

Please advice

Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: Is it valid to smash the ball against the wall intentionally
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2013, 07:12:31 PM »
Probably legal, however it's probably not a very good strategy (can't imagine he scores many points that way) and also not good for the table....

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Is it valid to smash the ball against the wall intentionally
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 05:08:46 AM »
its definitely legal and does not fall under the jarring rule, that is 99% defense or lose ball when both players are digging for the this case, he technically has possession of the, that said, it he was doing that on any table I was playing on, I would stop him because it is a great way to break men, its very abusive to the table.  Spinning is also since there is so much power generated (usually) and the man often comes down super hard right on top of the ball...breaking roll pins, men, and/or potential damage to surface....last about the squeeze shot, as the person before said, its not a good strategy because he is not controlling the ball and can plan where it might generates power and crazy movement and for a beginner, it feels powerful and is fun to make the ball fly around uncontrollably hard and be blunt, it is dumb and destructive and doesn't achieve making the person look cool (which is their motivation) it makes them look like a hack to anyone who knows anything about the game...its in the same category as spinning as far as being bush league