
Help a newb select a table

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Help a newb select a table
« on: December 18, 2012, 02:33:30 PM »
Just trying to find a good used table for a family game room that will last.  I seriously doubt that anyone will develop into a serious player, so a Tornado, etc doesnt seem to fit the bill here, but I imagine the table will get quite a bit of use.

Anyone have any comments on these tables and asking prices:

Gibraltar Deluxe:

Premier Soccer:

Unknown (???) but appears to be a quality table with nice cabinet and glass surface:

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Re: Help a newb select a table
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 03:48:16 PM »
How long would you like the table to last? Not a facetious question, but if only a year, those tables should work for you. If longer than that, then look for a used Tornado coin-op. Often these show up on NC craigslist for $300-500. I picked one up for $350.

Re: Help a newb select a table
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 04:04:58 PM »
I would certainly like it to last for more than 1 yr.

Looked on area craigslist sites and only found one Brown Marble Tornado Coin-Op for $650 which seems quite a bit overpriced.  Other tables were all types that you find in big box stores (Harvard, Sportcraft, etc) that I would think would be lower quality than the tables I linked.

I am also working against time here as my wife just came up with this as an idea for a Christmas present for the kids/family.

Re: Help a newb select a table
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 04:49:16 PM »
Gotcha. I was in EXACTLY your position a year ago. Was about to plunk down several hundred on a Gibraltar (or Harvard or Sportcraft) table for Xmas. But I ultimately decided on holding off and waiting for a Tornado, and one showed up on CL in early February. If you can wait I guarantee you will find a Tornado coin-op for a good price, might just take a few months. I was really glad I ended up waiting and I love my table.

good luck!


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Re: Help a newb select a table
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2012, 10:17:08 AM »
Stay away from those no name tables such as Primere Soccer and Gibralter. They may look OK but they are not worth it. Many on this site can tell you that from experience. You have to consider that the reason you want a table is to play on it and use it. IF you buy one of those tables, you are not going to be able to play foosball the way it is meant to be played. You will not be able to pass, shoot, or control the ball consistently. You may as well just close your eyes and spin the rods. At the bare minimum you need to buy an actual name brand table. Here is a short list: Tornado, Warrior, Fireball, Garlando, Bonzini, Tournament Soccer, Dynamo, Rene Pierre. The thing I hate about the types of tables you are considering buying is that people play on them and then think that because you can't do things consistently on those, you can't on any table. They really do give foosball a bad name. Good luck and please be patient, it will be worth the wait.

Re: Help a newb select a table
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2014, 10:26:53 PM »
up for a game in greensboro?