
Painting Field Lines

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Painting Field Lines
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:41:02 AM »
Hello Everyone, I just purchased a Tornado Twister and I'd like to touch up the field lines.  I thinking of using a Flat White Kyrlon Paint pen.  Has anyone tried touching up the field lines? 
What type of paint and finish did you use?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Painting Field Lines
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 10:16:02 PM »
This is a good question... and I would like to bump it along for my own reasons... 

What (i think) i know, is the playfield is a laminated surface, that is it is a printed surface melt bonded with a tough textured plastic material on top.  This material is likely translucent formica.

Unlike particle board playfields which no one respects except the guy selling them, formica playfields are protected at all costs to preserve the tables value and usability.  Adding paint will alter the texture uniformity which will affect ball handling, capture and control. 

I personally suspect there is a way to impegnate or "stain" the material using a airbrush and very light MEK/acetone/flat plastic paint mix.  I would test the solvents on a edge;  I'm not sure what softens formica without discolouring or melting it. 

I myself have considered this idea for retrofitting used tables to blacklight "glow" tables that can be used in darker bars and/or just to sex up the game a bit with some phosphorescents.

This is something I want to try too!
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 10:17:29 PM by johnwallan »

Re: Painting Field Lines
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 12:01:04 AM »
Hello. I feel like having bold field lines is not nearly as important as having a flat playfield, and anything on top of the already flat playfield will leave a ridge, bump, hill, however slight will affect the ball rolling over it. If you're handy and ambitious you can replace the playfield, a new one from Tornado is something like $250. If there is no damage or warping to yours I would leave it how it is. You don't need bold lines, look at Bonzini tables, they have no lines at all.

Re: Painting Field Lines
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2014, 01:16:31 AM »
Man... this takes bold to a whole other level....