
Tips for catching lane pass, my video of front guy to far back

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Tips for catching lane pass, my video of front guy to far back
« on: December 17, 2017, 03:44:50 PM »
Anyone have any tips for catching the ball for lane passes?
Video of guy catching while angled back:

In this video I tend to tip my guy back when I move toward the lane to catch. At least I realize this and can work on practicing this and not doing that. But besides just repetition, any tips or drills for catching passes?

Also in this video, it is going off the corner of the guy:

Here is a link to the rest of the lane pass videos I recently did:

And link to rest of the play lists in case interested:

Re: Tips for catching lane pass, my video of front guy to far back
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2017, 05:58:18 PM »
To catch lane passes start with your 3 bar bumper against the wall.  This way you wont give the defender any hints to where the ball is going.   To catch the ball you should start with the 3 bar plastic player straight up and down or actually tilted toward the 5 bar.  When you catch the ball you should move the plastic player on the 3 bar forward with the ball to absorb momentum.  It is not that difficult to absorb momentum this way and this technique will let you catch very hard lane passes.  This is sort of the same way you catch a baseball, moving the glove as you catch the ball to absorb momentum.

I watched your wall passes and looks like you are getting a good start.  Remember though, basic wall passes are freakishly good passes that get through defenses even when the defense seems to cover the pass.  The basic wall pass is passed along the very edge of the wall, it rides the edging. If you set the defender up against the wall, you can still almost push the ball through the opening.  What most people do is add a bit of action when they hit the ball with the 5 bar.  As you hit the ball at the 5 bar, make sure the ball is close to the wall.  As you hit the ball pull your 5 bar toward you, giving a slight brush toward the wall.  This will help ride the edge along the wall.  Try to see how little room you need for a wall pass.  You should be able to make the basic pass with only a tiny space between the defense and the wall.

Re: Tips for catching lane pass, my video of front guy to far back
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2017, 06:05:01 PM »
Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind my next practice session. Watching my video I realized I need to get ball closer to wall when passing. It's pretty helpful to see on video what your doing. What your doing and what you think your doing are many times two different things :)

Re: Tips for catching lane pass, my video of front guy to far back
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2017, 09:51:57 PM »
With the wall pass it is sometimes also helpful to have the ball back behind the plastic player on the 5 bar, so that you can hit the pass harder along the wall.  Keep at it.  With the wall pass you need to develop a feel for it.  Once you get a feel for what is happening, you learn to guide the ball along the wall.