
Fabi parts and painting question

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Fabi parts and painting question
« on: December 31, 2017, 01:15:08 PM »
Hey guys,
First time poster! Love the site!

Quick question. I just picked up my first table and it's a fabi coin op.
It's an older one but works great!

I was just wondering what I can do to clean it up a bit. The table has some white trim plastic pieces (raised in the corners because we only have one goalie).

These plastic pieces are showing their age and have discoloured (yellowed kinda).

I was wondering if there is a place to buy replacements, or if just painting the plastic trim would change the dynamics of the game.

I'd obviously never paint the men or the table top itself, but wondering if painting the plastic trim and raised corners would be fine since the men don't reach there and aren't pinning the balls or anything there.

What do you guys think?

Im also looking to purchase a replacement  paper playing field under the glass if I could. I may just use some vinyl and my vinyl cutter to redo the field if I can't find one to purchase.

Im located in Canada and I'm having trouble finding fabi parts.

Thanks for your advice!