
Tornado side lip?

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Tornado side lip?
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:07:04 AM »
I haven't touched a Tornado in 15 years or so, but this past weekend, I got together with an old buddy and we had quite a few games on a new Tornado table.  I hit a some banks and oddy in the past I didn't have allot of success with them, but I had no problems hitting them.  We noticed a clear lip on the playing field sides.

My Question is: Did Tornado change the design?  And how long have they been doing this?  As I am now in search of a table (used) to get back into it.

thxs for any help.

Offline crazy8

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Re: Tornado side lip?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2018, 09:09:43 AM »
Yes - the clear trim replaces the white trim and allows for better banking as the ball won’t hop the way it did with the white. The old white trim can be replaced with clear trim. Order from Charles Mackintosh at