there is no absolute answer to this question...Tornado is almost always good but there are some extreme situations where you might want to pass or consider the maintenance involved to bring it back to standard
there is nothing magical about the table type "coin-op" - in theory it should be a more durable table since it was made to be used in a public situation but "more durable" is a relative term
"more durable" than what? there are many reasons I won't go into now but I wouldn't buy anything but Tornado for now...I am not a Tornado homey I am a practical realist and until someone can prove they can build a better product, Tornado, even with its flaws, is far and away the best built table available especially considering the money*
I think it is easy to say, historically, no table has as consistantly built such a durable table and although there are some who would argue, I think most around the world, regardless of their table preference, would list Tornado first as the best build table available - however, tons and tons will argue Tornado isn't the best play because they have grown up on tables which have lots and lots of natural ball control and when they play on Tornado they have a hard time adjusting but more and more are seeing the Tornado value
If you want to throw your money away and don't care if what you buy is a disposable table, then there are lots of options but I don't deal in that area
if you want to buy a table for under $300 good luck...
save your money, by a used Tornado** coin-op and
you will save yourself money in the end,
you will not be disappointed,
you will not have to buy again regardless of your future interest in foosball,
you will have the best resale available if you decide to sell it in the future,
and with basic care, you will have a table that will literally last a life-time
*I think if you like the play style and can afford the price tag, the top of the line Bonzini are tables proven to last a life-time as well but they are not often available used and new Bonzinie start out more than a $1000 higher than a new Tornado
**I have high hopes for the Warrior table but as much as I like the design theory and I know it will be the main table used on the IFP tour for sometime but the first version they have out isn't rugged enough for me to recommend to people especially casual players...however, as soon as it is, I will be giving it a hardy thumbs up...for playability it appears to be the future of American foosball and the newest Tornado changes seem to be drawing the 2 tables closer and closer in play style...right now, Tornado has the build quality edge by a fair margin from all accounts