
2021 Bart O' Flyer

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2021 Bart O' Flyer
« on: July 22, 2021, 04:33:43 AM »
Hello foos fam! Start to make your plans to attend the 2021 Bart O' in Austin, TX! We are preparing a great tournament for y'all and are so excited to see everyone again!

Please check back on this thread for updates.

NOTE ABOUT THE VENUE: The hotel is currently transitioning ownership from Crowne Plaza to Radisson Hotel and unfortunately this is affecting their reservation systems.

The best thing to do is to book using this link which includes the discount rate automatically:

However, if you have to call in, try the local number (512) 323-5466 and press zero to talk to the front desk, this tends to work better than pressing 1 and talking to the call center. If they can't give you the "BOC" discount rate, then continue to book your room at the normal rate, I can get the $105 group rate applied later. You are not charged until checkout. If you contact me after you book I can get the rate applied for you right away, my contact info is on the flyer. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!

UPDATE: Online registration is now open for Bart O! Please to go to register for your events!

If you haven’t played at a tournament with Modern Foosball before, then you’ll need to first create an account and then message me (or Modern Foosball and we will get your account linked to your IFP profile/rank. Also please message us if you are a new player who has never played at a big tournament before.

Flyer PDF: