Hey there. I recently bought a used Tornado Cyclone II, which is even more awesome than our Tornado Sport (just sold) was. The Cyclone came without the playfield strips on the sides though. The seller told me that good players sometimes remove those for a truer bounce off the wall for some shots.
Makes sense, but we're not at that level yet, and in fact we have difficulty getting the ball off the wall unless we "bump" the opposite wall. We can do it, but it slows the game down for us.
Is there a quick technique for getting the ball off the wall?
Oh while I'm asking, another small flaw in the table is that the person who assembled it put the 3-men bars in the wrong places. The wider-spaced men are the forwards, and the narrower-spaced men are the goalies. I know how to swap the bars back, but do you think that was just an assembly mistake, or is there a reason why someone might assemble a table that way intentionally? It makes setting up a pull shot more difficult.